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  1. mhosein

    China and Russia have learned well from failed U.S. promises

    My God, some people here sound like a bunch of children who do not have a clue about Geopolitics, International Law, History or the Indivisibility of Security Terms. Yet they are quick to run their mouths like they are correct and everyone else is wrong. That sounds a lot like American-British...
  2. mhosein

    US Inflation Hits 40-Year High Of 7.5%

    Ah that was a typo. The statistic is as follows: "In 2015, around 90% of their bilateral transactions were conducted in dollars. But since the start of the US-China trade war, that’s fallen to 46% and is rapidly declining further."
  3. mhosein

    Efforts increase to prevent interfaith marriage in India

    So I have question for Indians, both Muslims and Hindus. Are Indians aware of the Islamic Law, where a Muslim Man is permitted to marry a Jewish or Christian woman, without them having to embrace Islam and if a Muslim Man is to marry anyone other than a Muslim, Jew or Christian woman, that the...
  4. mhosein

    China now more willing, able to challenge US military, report says

    Umm .... I do not think you are correct about America being a colonial master of China. The only country have ever invaded and occupied China proper, was Imperial Japan during World War Two. Besides that, British Empire had occupied Hong Kong and Macau. There is no historical record of America...
  5. mhosein

    The Red Eagles - America's Secret Mig Squadron

    If I'm not mistaken, these Americans have the Su-27s and MiG-29s from the Cold War era as well.
  6. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    Clearly you aren't up to the task and are now just grandstanding to mask some evident deficiencies in your argument. If you haven't figured out the author's article and what it means, yet. It would be pointless to continue this discussion with you. As it stands, you're not even keeping track...
  7. mhosein

    US Inflation Hits 40-Year High Of 7.5%

    Yup that is what happens when you have perpetuated quantitative easing and brought down the interest rate to zero. That in combination with a shrinking USD as world reserve currency, America has less countries who have USD as their reserve currency, to be available to export it's inflation to...
  8. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    Buddy, do you even realize what the subject matter of the article was and what was the author stating in the paragraph you have quoted? Judging by your posts, logic seems the least of your concerns. Please read the article carefully and this time, pay attention.
  9. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    By your response, it does not look like you know the subject at all. I suggest you go do your homework on this subject before commenting on it.
  10. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    What’s Washington’s real beef with Moscow? Thomas J. Penn is a US citizen and has lived in Germany for many years. He was a non-commissioned infantry officer in the US Army. He studied finance and management and has extensive experience in the financial markets. Why is the US-led West trying...
  11. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    Not as bad as yours, you know why? Because we aren't a superpower/hegemon trying to hold on to our status, you are!
  12. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    $30 trillion debt and mounting, fractured unemployed population of America, a Gig Economy, crumbling bridges, U.S military's abandoned escape from Afghanistan, failed attempt at toppling Syrian Government, debacle of losing Crimea from under America's nose, primacy of U.S Dollar as World's...
  13. mhosein

    Turkey to target ‘under the mattress’ gold in effort to bolster the lira

    Ah! Would you look at that, it's the 1920s all over again. Except that its Turkey now, instead of America! So the stupidity continues unabated and no one learns from history. Oh well, it's not like anyone ever bothers studying history anyways. Yet another example of the failing Western economic...
  14. mhosein

    US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

    Time .... my dear .... is not on the West"s side and that's one thing no power on earth can win against.
  15. mhosein

    Ukraine-Russia tensions: Russia pulls some troops back from border

    If there were a war and the Russian Federation had responded to Anglo led NATO's false flag ops. Then this article would not have been written in the first place and BBC would be no more because Britain would've turned to a radioactive wasteland. It's the BBC, ladies and gentlemen, the original...
  16. mhosein

    Russian troops in the final stages of readiness add to concerns for Ukraine - War could breakout at any-point in the coming days

    Actually the embarrassment is on America and Britain, the two loud mouths who have been claiming an invasion of Ukraine "any day now" or "highly likely." Liars will be what they always are, liars! Be it Bush & Blair about Iraq's WMD, or be it Biden & Boris about Ukraine invasion. Being the...
  17. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Although there was a sense of something like a false flag, black ops flying in the air. What it seems to have turned to be, is a Modi Circus! A term I've coined in light of what India perpetrated back in February 2019. To win elections on the home front, start an international conflict, that may...
  18. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    Russia announces troop withdrawal Published: 15 Feb 2022 | 09:18 GMT Military hardware takes part in the joint military drills between Belarus and Russia, at the military training ground in Belarus. © Sputnik/Russian Defence Ministry Forces have already begun preparing for withdrawal, the...
  19. mhosein

    US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

    ‘West has been destroyed without a shot fired' – Russia Published: 15 Feb 2022 | 10:24 GMT © Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation By Layla Guest The Russian Foreign Ministry has announced February 15 as “the day Western propaganda failed” With Russia announcing that its troops are...
  20. mhosein

    US has always used Pakistan, while China stood the test of time: PM Imran Khan

    Ignore such people, as they are like ostriches with their heads stuck in the sand.
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