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  1. vishwambhar

    Russia began shelling Ukrainian positions.

    Russians won't dare to go further apart from shelling some forward positions..... when Russia threatened west with nuclear retaliation it was enough proof to show their confidence in conventional warfare against Nato..... nothing worst more than pounding each other positions with artillery fire...
  2. vishwambhar

    IAF MiG-21 crashes in Jaisalmer

    We just can't afford to loose even single MIG 21.... they form the backbone of IAF and are still deadly machines..... I feel sad for pilot as well as equally feel sad for loosing this mean machine....
  3. vishwambhar

    ‘India Out’ campaign in Maldives

    Yes.... At least the way Maldives is behaving with India these days one can easily see the hidden support given by some other Giant to them and that is China....
  4. vishwambhar

    ‘India Out’ campaign in Maldives

    We saved their country in 90s.... I am of the view that if Maldives looses huge amount of islands due to ever increasing sea level we should shelter them on lakshdweep or mainland India...... But still I think if Indian government is really meddling in their foreign affairs then it should be...
  5. vishwambhar

    India successfully tests short-range surface to surface guided ballistic missile ‘Pralay’ off Odisha coast: DRDO - Counter to Pakistan Fatah-1 missile

    Hi bro though I'm against the use of nuclear weapons I just wanted to know if we have such a small tactical nuclear weapons which can be deployed on this missile to use in a small limited war theater such as to stop enemy advance in our territory..... we know Pakistan has already deployed such...
  6. vishwambhar

    India successfully tests short-range surface to surface guided ballistic missile ‘Pralay’ off Odisha coast: DRDO - Counter to Pakistan Fatah-1 missile

    PRALAY means VINASH or total destruction beyond recovery...... Welcome to India armed forces my deadly baby PRALAY....
  7. vishwambhar

    North Korea Mystery Army

    Thanks for such valued information bro ... But the part of your post which I have made BOLD is really scary..... They are beasts when it comes to military power.....
  8. vishwambhar

    North Korea Mystery Army

    Hi I don't want to divert the topic but I too have heard a lot about NK deadly artillery fire power..... How would you compare it with Pakistan or India artillery (both of us very strong artillery forces as per my knowledge) if they are facing NK artillery with no air power or cruise missiles...
  9. vishwambhar

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    It's showing video unavailable bro....
  10. vishwambhar

    India Cities Ban Eggs, showcasing the tensions around the country’s rising Hindu nationalist movement

    How can I order non vegetarian food for my friend openly when I'm strictly from vegetarian family..... Our parents are obviously from previous generation and they are very orthodox in such matters..... it was raining like hell so it was tough to take him to hotel and my friend from Thailand...
  11. vishwambhar

    Has Bangladesh Really Left India and Pakistan Behind in Per Capita Income?

    Bangladesh wins. .. . Happy 😊 Hi indos British yes they brought railway in India but in their presence only major cities were connected....later on today what the gigantic railway network you see in India is developed by Indians..... But yes British started this and if they hadn't started...
  12. vishwambhar

    Breaking : India deploys first S-400 air defence system in Punjab sector

    Fine keep dreaming then.... I can't do anything about what you see in your dreams...... My reply was towards sanctions BTW
  13. vishwambhar

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    Simply Red SUNRISE..... An awesome song....
  14. vishwambhar

    Breaking : India deploys first S-400 air defence system in Punjab sector

    CAATSA or anything else, nothing bothers India my friend..... Whole world will watch India getting away without any harm from CAATSA and still USA begging for selling their cutting edge technologies to us..... Mark my words.....
  15. vishwambhar

    Mormugao, second P15B Stealth Destroyer, sails for maiden sea trials on Goa Liberation Day

    Exactly P18 is the need of an hour when I look at Chinese type 55s..... BTW imphal I heard will be more powerful than Mormugao.... is it true?
  16. vishwambhar

    India Cities Ban Eggs, showcasing the tensions around the country’s rising Hindu nationalist movement

    Jains are very strict on vegetarian food if he is a pure jain.... they won't even eat onion, ginger, potatoes etc.....and yes they won't even tolerate if someone sitting on the same table with them and eating non vegetarian food...... they can't even bare the smell..... funny thing is in my...
  17. vishwambhar

    Mormugao, second P15B Stealth Destroyer, sails for maiden sea trials on Goa Liberation Day

    Mormugao..... you are a Beauty and beast..... welcome darling....
  18. vishwambhar

    PLA conducts nuclear, chemical, biological warfare drill in Tibet

    Ohh my god.... That's really scary 😀
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