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  1. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Yes I do not want to take away credit from Azerbaijan too as after all they won battle with superb tactics without much caring about Russians... after all Alexander is the one who wins the battles..... In India we call it JO JEETA WOHI SIKANDAR.... so ultimately its no use of blaming even...
  2. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    People talk as if Armenia was fighting only with Indian radars..... they had even Iskandar missiles..... what I feel is Armenia ignored the threat and it was a big mistake.... Armenia is very small country and such country unless its armed to teeth can easily be dominated.... Its a landlocked...
  3. vishwambhar

    Video: S Jaishankar Gets A Grand Welcome At Pentagon

    Few days back Defense minister said USA is going to offer such an advanced technology to India he can't declare right now in public..... does this welcome has any connections with it?
  4. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    I know bro and this what I always tell them cutting siliguri corridor is not a cakewalk even for any bigger nuclear power let alone BD..... lets assume even if in their wildest Dreams if they succeed to cut silliguri corridor what will stop India from making it cut directly through BD to connect...
  5. vishwambhar

    Dhaka takes note of Beijing's absence over Myanmar border tensions discussion

    Not only India helped them but also took a great risk of facing American 7th fleet and royal navy when they both were on the way to deal with India..... imagine if soviets didn't show their support they would have literally murdered India.... but BD members will never acknowledge anything...
  6. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Pinaka is actually a very smart purchase by Armenia as it gives them immediate capability to hit the advancing armor of Azerbaijan.... they don't need himars types as geographical depth of Azerbaijan is not large and Pinaka types can inflict heavy damage on advancing infantry well in advance and...
  7. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    People who are degrading Indian technology against Turkish technology should look at India space programs, satellite launches, our SSBNs, ICBM program, LCH and many others .... I know everything above is comparatively easy than a very very complicated job of stitching underwares and cooking...
  8. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    India is working on very secret project called KAALI.... I'm not bragging but once successful believe me it will render all UCAV technologies obsolete.....
  9. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    No matter how politely you behave with them they won't waste any opportunity to insult India to please other India haters but they should at least have some sense of where to speak and when to speak..... they can't handle Myanmar and yet they come to bash India..... some of them even believe...
  10. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Hi do you have any updates on our jaguars being armed with kamikaze drones??? It was looking very promising that time....
  11. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Okay... Now go back to your factory and stich underwares for Armenians..... We will sell our artillery....
  12. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Russia anyways cannot be trusted on anything these days..... They only see money and vodka..... On the other hand India as a protectorate of Bhutan stood firmly against mammoth China in doklam in 2017..... India took a great risk considering how vulnerable she was at siliguri corridor against...
  13. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Barak 8 is JV between India and Israel.... It's not India who is selling it to Azerbaijan..... It's Israel as both cannot stop each other from selling it to third country.....
  14. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    I wish Armenia was sharing borders with India and like Bhutan was India's protectorate.... Azerbaijan would have never even dared to touch her.....
  15. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    We are buying billions of dollars equipments from Russia, West and Israel..... have we ever paid upfront??? These payments are spread over the years..... 600 million dollars budget and can't We help our friend for this pathetic amount spread over the years??
  16. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    It's a ballistic missile that means.... in war you can't directly attack enemy with ballistic missiles as it may give totally a dirty direction to war..... especially if both fighting countries are nuclear powers..... I thought they were tactical cruise missiles..... and if bora is a ballistic...
  17. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    In this case my friend can you imagine if India arms Armenia Sukhois with air launched BRAHMOS to destroy Azerbaijan Turkish UCAV bases in preemptive attack..... can SOM, KHAN, BORA missile match the speed and velocity of air launched BRAHMOS.....
  18. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    I too do not hate BD and infact I when joined this forum was dreaming about our strategic alliance... but back to the realities I think we don't have choice but to be a friend with each other.... India surrounds you from 3 sides and India too need you for her ne faster connectivity..... India...
  19. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    For AKINCI technology we will have AKASH NG expected to be tested this year or early 23 and immediate production after success.....
  20. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    My friend good to see you with reply after long time..... see Turkey has achieved a great success in drones and they are combat proven and I from the bottom of my heart congratulate Turkey for this success..... But India right now using more advanced Israeli drones since long long time and now...
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