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  1. Wood

    "We will open trade route with India , importing if necessary to save our own farmers : PAK Finance Minister

    It was reported that Imran also wanted to import sugar from India, but his cabinet stopped the move. :undecided:
  2. Wood

    Son of Bajwa allegedly spotted with Son of Amit Shah in Dubai Stadium

    Privileged people use political issues to consolidate political power and let others die for it. I don't think it means anything. These two may just be friends on Facebook :p:
  3. Wood

    Pakistan’s Textile Exports to Surge as Orders Move From Rivals

    You are not any better yourself. Look at you trolling off topic right now :whistle:
  4. Wood

    Pakistan’s Textile Exports to Surge as Orders Move From Rivals

    You will know how 'nonsensical diatribe' looks like for sure. That is all you write anyway :enjoy:
  5. Wood

    Pakistan’s Textile Exports to Surge as Orders Move From Rivals

    You are not the only PTI supporter in this forum and I have no interest into looking up your early post history. Your self certified competency on the internet does not matter :coffee: Edit: think that you have misinterpreted my post from before. I meant to comment on the line that has been...
  6. Wood

    Asia Cup 2022 thread

    Great win for India :cheers:
  7. Wood

    Pakistan’s Textile Exports to Surge as Orders Move From Rivals

    This 'nonsense' was all that PTI followers were spouting when Imran was in government. You also said the same but added a small time dimension to the trend. I've not said anything about the time because it is common sense :whistle:
  8. Wood

    Pakistan’s Textile Exports to Surge as Orders Move From Rivals

    If devalued PKR does not correspond with a proportional increase in wages, then you have lower cost of production :coffee:
  9. Wood

    Lessons not learned...

    The Diamer-Bhasha dam was estimated to cost $14 billion in 2013. Multinational lenders are not willing to lend because of territory dispute in the area with India. The CJI fund has collected about $70 million. Imran was able to raise $500 million through 'green bonds' (@ 7.5%), but it will not...
  10. Wood

    Flood Response

    Pakistan is clearly prone to major periodic floods. Government should develop strategic plans to manage this and build a sovereign fund north of $1 billion explicitly for this purpose. Definitely not an easy thing to do, but this should be a national priority for the country. International aid...
  11. Wood

    Qatar did not offer $2b in cash

    Qatar has promised 100k jobs for Pakistan :cheers: https://dailytimes.com.pk/988042/qatar-to-provide-jobs-to-100000-more-pakistanis/amp/
  12. Wood

    PM Modi government 'crushes' terror, only 7 attacks in 8 years

    I thank FATF more than anyone else :thank_you2:
  13. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    You are no less a spammer than anyone else. Now that you have realized that it is not possible to peddle your BS, you will run away like cowards always do. Only a fool will announce that he adding people to ignore list on an online forum. I'm sure that you will read this message regardless and...
  14. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    The hallmark of a spammer is one who tries make a point with links from the internet and then run for cover by crying foul when confronted with the same response. Now that you are called out for incompetence, you will naturally progress to the next low of call the other party ugly. You are not...
  15. Wood

    60 rupees per unit electricity now in Karachi

    Mumbai is a comparable city to Karachi from the same region. The tariff comparison for electricity is not out of topic because it gives a yard stick to say if prices are unreasonable. 10% difference shows that there is not much of a difference. You are certainly free to post about toilets. I...
  16. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Where is the threat? If you are too weak to stand what people write in reply then you should not be talking to them at all. Problem here is that you are not competent in framing arguments to begin with. You ran to google for articles about Indians to support your charade that Pakistanis are...
  17. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Your knee jerk reactions for me showing a mirror to you is not diversion. It is legitimate part of the discourse. Who asked you to talk about Indians immigrating to the west by quoting me? Don't cry now that you bubbles been popped. Pakistanis are not any better in this fraud and I'll make sure...
  18. Wood

    60 rupees per unit electricity now in Karachi

    To compare with prices in Mumbai, 428 units would approximately cost 10000 PKR. Seems like electricity bill could be 10% higher on an average in Karachi :agree:
  19. Wood

    White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

    Not at all. The links that I've shared were totally relevant to the point that I'm trying to make. Pakistanis are equally adept at visa fraud as Indians. They have been caught as many times as Indians on such cases. There are many more Pakistanis who run the racket without having been caught yet...
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