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    Designates Pakistan as a security challenge for Norway

    https://www.dn.no/teknologi/pst/utpeker-pakistan-som-sikkerhetsmessig-utfordring-for-norge/2-1-959065 I am using translate.google.com to translate it,not sure if its 100% right translated PST is the Intelligence wing of the police , in addition it is military intelligence and national digital...
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    Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

    Afghans should go to India as afghans says India is their friend and Pakistan the enemy, so why do they come to Pak ?
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    How much is Pakistans export to Africa and to neighbouring countries ?

    1 I was reading an article https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/454059/Iran-planning-to-boost-construction-materials-export-to-Africa, and after that i was woundering if anybody knows how much business Pakistan is doing with Africa, an neglected and underprioritised area of the world but with alot...
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    NATO / Western countries doing exercises outside Oman Bay, Indian Ocean & Red sea from 2020 to next 5 years, preparing for war in Middle East, area

    Source in norwegian language: https://www.nrk.no/urix/vurderer-norsk-krigsskip-til-midtosten-1.15220957 NATO / Western countries doing exercises outside Oman Bay, Indian Ocean & Red sea from 2020 to next 5 years, preparing for war in Middle East area. Oman Bay means outside Gwadar and Chabar...
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    West can learn to cope with extremism from others

    Good answer, Gao Jian should not represent China. But i have heard Globaltimes is the newspaper of Chinese state and what this newspaper writes is the official chinese version. 57 Islamic countries / 28% world population will boycot French products and its god oppertunity for others to...
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    West can learn to cope with extremism from others

    After reading the article in Globaltimes i was not sure what i should think, i thought China was a friend always.
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    West can learn to cope with extremism from others

    https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1204716.shtml ( Is China a friend or foe ) West can learn to cope with extremism from others By GLobal Times Source: Global Times Published: 2020/10/26 21:47:15 0 French President Emmanuel Macron pays his respects by the coffin of Samuel Paty in Paris on...
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    Norway Preparing for the next Middle East desert war,

    Orignal link: https://www.nrk.no/urix/klare-for-neste-orkenkrig-1.15196320 , to watch photoes in the article open the link. translate in your browser the link to english/your language because the article is published in norwegian language. Ready for the next desert war ZARQA, JORDAN (NRK)...
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