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  1. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Bon appetit from Ladakh

    Oh Man! Now this is a very welcome thread! Thank you for inviting me. The beauty and serenity of Ladakh and I being a vegetarian by choice, this is a must visit destination now! I don't know whether to feel jealous or sorry for you. It must've been difficult growing up. I'm sure it has made...
  2. Sekhon Rafiqui

    India successfully tests anti satellite weapon. Low earth orbit satellite destroyed.

    As Axomiya_lora put it rather aptly, it is a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. The only issue is that the deep blue sea is yet invisible as it is fragmented into several water bodies, some large, some small and some fetid ponds, who are yet to unite in the true sense of the word...
  3. Sekhon Rafiqui

    India successfully tests anti satellite weapon. Low earth orbit satellite destroyed.

    Classy response Sir! I doubt that he comprehends. ;)
  4. Sekhon Rafiqui

    India successfully tests anti satellite weapon. Low earth orbit satellite destroyed.

    I beg to differ. I have had the good fortune of closely interacting with extremely Omnist, genteel and polite Muslims from all three countries. I have also had the misfortune of having come across extremely radical members from these countries as well. It is like saying that all Hindus across...
  5. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Respect your parents, respect God and remember that your Parents are God. Peace. Everything else can fall by the wayside. Parents, your belief in yourself and God are all that matters.
  6. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Oh dear! I seem to have caught the interest of a taught parrot. Pakistan, my dear is spelled with a capital P. You are no one to comment about the population of Pakistan who cares about India. How old are you? Are you even adult, are you permitted to be here? Do your parents know that you are a...
  7. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Indian Cricket Team Wearing Military Caps Is A Dangerous Sign

    Now if those caps were auctioned with the player's signatures and the money raised was donated to the slain soldier's families, that would be nice.
  8. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Indian Cricket Team Wearing Military Caps Is A Dangerous Sign

    Do I come across as a moron or stupid? Please be a little civil in your comments on my posts.
  9. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Indian Cricket Team Wearing Military Caps Is A Dangerous Sign

    M.S. Dhoni may be an honourary Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Army, but he is widely respected as a level headed and practical person. I doubt if he was instrumental in advocating the use of camo caps for the match. I know this was probably his last ODI at his home town, however, I still find...
  10. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Thanks again. I will try and keep a cooler head too. ;)

    Thanks again. I will try and keep a cooler head too. ;)
  11. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Thank you Sir. I agree about emotions boiling over. Perhaps it was a little too early for me to have behaved in that manner. I am to blame too.
  12. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Thank you. I owe you one.

    Thank you. I owe you one.
  13. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    @AgNoStiC MuSliM - Thanks! It is post#4 on the first page of this thread. If it deserves a negative rating as per the rules of this forum, you may let it remain. I just want to know where I erred.
  14. Sekhon Rafiqui

    How to use this forum?

    Understood and thanks @jamahir .
  15. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    I agree with most of the points raised by you, however, allow me to put down my views. During my trips to European and South East Asian countries, I have come across many Pakistani nationals or people with Pakistani origins. All of them have been extremely courteous and polite even after knowing...
  16. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Indian Cricket Team Wearing Military Caps Is A Dangerous Sign

    Perhaps Indians should have proved that they are Super Heroes a long tome ago by behaving in a manner comprehensible to the world long ago. Perhaps then, some other people would have been stripped naked a long time ago. Is it my fault that I find your post offensive? You are attacking a...
  17. Sekhon Rafiqui

    How to use this forum?

    Who can give a positive or negative rating to a post? How is it done?
  18. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Rana Hamir Singh of Umar Kot

    That will attain clarity as we get to know each other better. @Imran Khan - I presume that recommendation was directed in my favour. I hope the 'seems' is dropped soon due to my activities here. :) Thank you.
  19. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Rana Hamir Singh of Umar Kot

    Thank you @Joe Shearer @SecularNationalist - Salaam, Good morning Sir.
  20. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    "The oldest mosque of the world is in Kerala. The hindu king of kerala gave land to Arab Muslims and allowed them to propogate their religion. Arabs to-date haven't reciprocated that gesture. What Muslims did to Non Muslims in India is documented history." This is what I came across, can...
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