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  1. eurofighter

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    a bit off topic but can someone tell me where can i get a subscription of afm or even a place where i can buy a copy.i live in Islamabad btw.thank you
  2. eurofighter

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    that green thing on the hud of the f-16 is the same thing as in jft blk 1 except it is more greener
  3. eurofighter

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    i have 2 questions: 1)Does the block 52's have AESA? 2)will the the MLU's have AESA too?
  4. eurofighter

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    where is this place?
  5. eurofighter

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    proof? please..............................i insist.
  6. eurofighter

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    All that j-10 A or B hype has left this thread as ghost town..............LOL
  7. eurofighter

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    PAF is going for the upgraded j-10A's to fill the f-16 requirement gap,plus in emergency basis because j-10B is not ready to be procured,this makes a little sense.................................but still let's keep our fingers crossed,whatever will happen in the next couple of years will be...
  8. eurofighter

    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    Assalam alaikum,i am new to this thread,actually i've been reading threads for a long time but i dont ever post or thank in them,i decided i speak now :D back to topic............................................enough with the disappointment people,i completely agree with taimikhan that these...
  9. eurofighter

    Audi announces A6 production in India

    I think this is a defence forum not a automotive forum..........................................ohh i get u indians will use audi a6's on the borders against Pakistan?
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