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  1. POKEMON12

    Zardari offers Pak warm waters to Chinese

    Looks like you are the only sensitive one in pakistan who believes that strategically imp areas are not surrendered to a nation whose ultimate goal is to become the US(big daddy) of asia. On one hand pakistani guys said that they believe in good relation with India on platform of equality only...
  2. POKEMON12

    ‘Pakistan, a borrowed economy; heading to economic failure’

    No wonder why your economy is in such a mesh. Those who never accept their failures, never get the success. Even if some FOREIGN states(let say India) are planting some factors you have to have guts to face it rather than giving excuses. No body is going to spoon feed you in this dog eat dog...
  3. POKEMON12

    Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war

    Is it Islam all about? Killing humans for not following it!!!! I dont know much about Islam but my soul says you corrupt the whole idea of Islam.
  4. POKEMON12

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    :rofl: pikachu :rofl:
  5. POKEMON12

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    completely agree with it. Religin teaches us to be faithful to our country. The comparison is just like comparing religion with its teachings itself.
  6. POKEMON12

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    ok if you are correct then tell me another nation in which such an healthy proportion of hindus, muslim, sikhs,buddhist and christian lives together? Talking about tolerence, I don't talk on behalf of hindus but indians, we all know how much great Pakistan is tolerant to any other religion...
  7. POKEMON12

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    @black_magic pk idealism is good to speak and write but when it comes to human nature there it comes biasing and interests. If u are truthful to what you are saying should I ask you why you choose PAK defence forum not some srilankan or brazilian forum. Look man here comes the nation. or will...
  8. POKEMON12

    Shameful Past

    ^^^That disclaimer has to be on front page. I have already seen all these friendly gadgets.:hitwall:
  9. POKEMON12

    Why India Can't Win 21st Century WAR

    uncle SAM wants to outsource their war jobs to India but we are not interested. I love only their IT outsource:smitten:
  10. POKEMON12

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    hey do u want me to give some fake or nrealistic answers. These hypothetical situations will lead into nothing.
  11. POKEMON12

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    Sorry to say but I think Islam is not patented by Pakistan only. We Indian respect each religion and their holy goals so as the languages. Islam is a part of India too and we are proud of being a part of such secular society(and pls dont bring gujrat into it, India is a lot more than gujrat and...
  12. POKEMON12

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    first come humanity. since both are human so we go on second priority that is nation. Help the guy of your nation simple
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