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  1. K

    Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

    buddy I am not here to degrade china or chinese accomplishments rather I like china to advance more, the chinese engines also had inputs from americans in the beginning few decades back then chinese tried to get ex soviets expertise in this field later russians are milking chinese to max but...
  2. K

    Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

    USA will never provide 5th gen tech. to India that is given, but I am not talking about new generation tech. but the metallurgy tech. which is obsolete for USA decades back but can help India to built a reliable engine with over 100 kn thrust just to keep pace with a military competitor like china.
  3. K

    Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

    flying and operational has a lot of distance neighbor. I have some knowledge on metallurgy and from what I have got to learn from neutral sources chinese are still atleast 15 years away from developing a truly feasible operational safe military thrust engine for modern fighter jets needing much...
  4. K

    Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

    PLAAF started training of Russian junked carrier couple of years back and there is no sight when this will be able to get operational clearances. chinese still need plenty of tech. to get a mature 5th generation fighter engine is one big block and russians are milking chinese to max now...
  5. K

    Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

    PAK FA seems like a case russian trying to milk Indians to max and Indians trying to get TOT out of cash strapped russians. Deal will go through but orders will be pretty less for PAK FA and whatever TOT Indians will be able to squeeze will go into domestic AMCA. NO FGFA<PAK FA MKI> will happen...
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