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  1. White Elephant

    Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

    This might be a smoking gun. Keep in mind this was stated after the meeting was over and its straight from the horses mouth. gazettestandard com 2015 12 26 russian-federation-a-strong-reliable-friend-of-india-pm in.reuters com article russia-india-nuclear-putin-modi-idINKBN0U719M20151225...
  2. White Elephant

    Anger against India over blockade snowballs in Nepal

    `Thankyou but I don't think at least I hope things don't deteriorate enough that food from China has to be imported. India will and always will be a sibling more so to us than it can be to say Sri Lanka or Bhutan. There exist ties between India and Nepal be it religious, cultural, open boarders...
  3. White Elephant

    Anger against India over blockade snowballs in Nepal

    I for one am surprised by the shortsightedness of people from both India and Pakistan. Nepali people are in great peril right now because essential goods cost many folds what they used too. In such an atmosphere its logical that people will be angry. India for their part could do something with...
  4. White Elephant

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    1. Thrust to Weight Ratio 0.95 "Search pac jf-17 org pk cant post links or maybe pac is wrong" 2. Same performance can be had with a composite lighter frame "Useful when the engine is weak" 3. His main point was RCS, LCA has had a LO side to its construction " Search drdo pub techfocus 2011...
  5. White Elephant

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    I had to join here because of this thread. I work as ground crew at IGI and have had quite a lot of conversations with people involved in aviation both military and civil. The highlight of Tejas related talk I had was with one Mr Vikas who is one of the several people working on Tejas. Thanks...
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