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  • Brother of course I understand you. Noone wants to see separation for his/her country. As you said, we can see ultra nationalist or seperatist people in every country. Our problem is we cannot understand each other and we cannot develop empathy to understand one another. I realized no effort can change a person`s mind who already set his mind. So, I just stop discussing and posting such things. I am just gonna post the things about military news and improvement. Though, that was the my main purpose of being member of this forum. Anyway, bro let`s pray that everything will be better in the future inshallah.
    i have a very nice news: NAIEF the prince of KSA ( and who would become the king future) DIED!
    :) Hahaha Over drinking is definitly wrong but I heard that it could be dangerous in Iran in many ways that health concers... :'(

    Wow... I think I just released a monster. :) I really don't know anything about photography, like I said, I bought a Canon D500/550 -can't remember which one, I think it was the cheaper one- in my exciment but then never had the time/chance to give myself to it. :) They told me I can use that for professional photograpy but like I said I don't know much about it :D

    Wow... You started big, life in Turkey!! I don't know if I can write all that in visitor message :) and Yes, I am a student in North Cyprus and I am 21 years old.
    Amir, I am extremly sorry for not answering you as soon as I got your messages. I hope I didn't offend you by now answering you straigt away, I can assure you that I meant no offence by it.

    And Yes you replied to me but not on my own page but on yours :) So thats why you couldn't see your post on my page. I believe this was your post ''I have applied for turkiye burslari (http://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/tr), so it is possible to meet you there! just kidding. I know it is very competitive scholarship and my chance is not very high!
    Yes the site is impressive!''

    I am glad that you are enjoying your time on deviantart. And there is photobucet too, I think, as a person who enjoys photography and visual arts you wiill enjoy it.

    Although I always had a certain interest in photography and even bought myself a professional camera but I never got myself to start working on it. Thank you for your advice. :)
    "And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom." - 2nd Chronicles 9:22

    I don't know what Ir.Tab means though. Ir = Iran. Tab = ??
    You are very welcome and nice to meet you Amir. I am Deniz. I really am pleased to meet with my kinsmen in another country. :)

    And please do enjoy Deviantart... That site propably has the most beautiful art works in whole internet :D
    Brother, I posted some artwork of Şebo. And there are some other photos of her in Deviant too if you want.

    You can check Deviantart . com and search Sebnem Ferah. I believe you can find what you are looking for and many more. That site is perfect for visual art fans.
    well..I like your posts..you are one of the few people here who makes sense..thats why i thank a lot :)
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