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Selim I
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  • Ulan ben diledigim gibi veririm selami, sanami soracam nasil selam verecemi zirto seni
    Ben pek politikayla uğraşan biri değilim, ama Mustafa Kemal'in ülkeye yaptıklarına saygım var. Aslında en azından baştaki insanları türk/kürt, laik/islamcı, sağcı/solcu diye bölmek doğru değil. Bir Özal örneği var mesela, hep takdir etmişimdir ben.
    Kemalizm dine karşı değildir. Sen Türksen demek ortak noktamız var. Ama evveliyatını bilmem.

    Elhamdülillah Müslümanım.
    Cevabı belli değil mi? Türk olduğun için.

    Görüşlerine katılmasam da aynı kanı taşıyoruz sonuçta.
    Yes indeed, till 1997, Turkey faced numerous coups. Often due to its ultra-liberal military leadership opposing any civilian government which has sympathy for Islam. The Erdogan government has certainly given much stability to Turkey. I pray this government can transform Turkey into a model Islamic state very soon - a state which is rapidly industrializing, at the same time keeping balance between ultra-liberalism and extremism.

    And I also hope Turkey can develop nukes! Would love to see a 2nd Islamic nuclear power.
    But at the same time I think it is not right to ban religious clothing in govt. institutions as Turkey has done. They should be given freedom to wear their clothing. However overall I still think Turkey is doing quite well in balancing ultra-liberalism and extremism.
    Walaikumas Salam Selim I, nice to meet you. Thank you for the information, I do believe most Turkish people are devout Muslims - since Turkey has been the heart of Islamic Caliphate for 500 years. Maybe only the elitist class of Turkey is prone to Atheistic kind of views. But I hold Turkey with utmost respect.

    The thing is, Secularism is a part of Islam. Secularism tells us to respect other's faiths and not force any religion upon anyone. Real secularism is not kicking out religion from matters, that is instead atheism. In my opinion, overall, Turkey is doing the best among all muslim countries in every sector. There is very little religious extremism in Turkey like that in Pakistan and so many other countries. At the same time, they are not too liberal like that of Europe for example. Quran itself says there is no compulsion in religion, to each their own. I tend to think Turkey's model of secularism should be followed by all Muslim countries.
    I believe we had our fair share of disagreements but i hope there is no hard feelings on your side.
    Thats nice, I pray you always meet and find good peoples ... Thanx for praise
    Its All Turk people and history which tells your nation's strength ... Its a nice to see an optimistic nation with having strong impact on other.. more and more that they are muslim majority nation..... So thats why i have really nice views about Turk peoples... I wish that they keep getting stronger and wealthy as a nation.
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