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  • Hi

    I was looking for a good Chinese defense boards preferably in English..want to recommend something?
    Yeah man these Indians are terrible.They spoil every thread.Fortunately for us we whip their ***** pretty damn good.
    Well, you already know they hate you people so much so its not really important.You can visit http://tinyurl.com/6rp8xv anyway.They think they should nuke China and Pakistan lol.A lot of crazy mad indians there.
    Please control your posts. You have been violating rules by posting things in the wrong sections, and attempting to start a flame war through sarcastic comments.
    Peace be with you!

    Thanks for everything friend. Of course corruption is a problem but there are many countries which have to deal with this problem so be proud of ur country. China really solved many problems in such an unbelievable short time, it is incredible. China will be soon the great power of the World. US, UK or Russia will go down while China will rise! I always thought that the Western media shows much propaganda and it is great wht a good government China got!

    Regards aimarraul!
    Assalamu'alaikum brother! I'm no Chinese but but of all Muslimeen in the world I loved to see the most are Chinese muslims. don't know why, perhaps it's because the early ones that spread Islam to Java before Arabs are Chinese (the venerable Zheng He). although most Chinese Indonesian aren't muslims now but their conversion is on the rise. we've got increasing number of preachers of Chinese descent. anyway my stepmother is Chinese.
    I've got a question about Hui position in china, does the Hui Politically active? what's their overall position in the community? about Hui Liangyu, does he Shalat regularly? (I must know the last one cause it's a pity if he doesn't). Thanks!
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