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Urbanized Greyhound

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  • Thanks for the offer, my friend in Bangalore owes me cause I was his tour guide & driver for the weekend :P But if I'm down I def don't mind meeting for a coffee or something.

    I do have a FB account but because of my work I prefer not to share it currently, (nothing against you mate). If somehow my management or offshore team linked this forum & posting to me you will not believe how sensitive my HR dept will be. I'll be more relax after I change job scope :D
    Hey no worries,

    Thanks for the invite, I got a friend who came down to SG and invited me to visit and the wifey in Bangalore too, will try to make it to Hyd first then maybe travel over. If time permits I hope
    Appreciate the gesture my good man. I used to learn a lot when I used to log onto to this website before. Now all the hatred and animosity just puts me off, and gives me a headache. I really believe in the fact that we should "rejoice not when others fall but when we rise".

    Stay Safe.
    hey thanks Brother. these people are filled for hate for us and anything we do wont stop these idiots.
    Yes, its a troll free environment and a nice place for serious discussions.

    just got the 'star member of the month' award in IDF. lol
    Semiconductor physics is a subject of my choice, you know mosfet, bjt,fabrications etc. :P

    And not that much interested in IT companies.
    Final year b.tech student, just one exam away from being a graduate. Will be doing m.tech in Nanotechnology. :P

    What about u?
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