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Swati Shukla
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  • lolzz you mean to say you got an AIR within 700. No way !!!! j/k.

    You are into general medicine or BDS like that stuff ?
    no bud...Im talking about Medical only...my 12 th grade classmates were looking for it...even though they couldn get into it.... :D
    Hearb about SRMS ?? Dont forget we also went through this admission phase once and some of my class mates were speaking about going there.

    Yeah true..one advantage of Engg is the effectiveness of one night stands..:D
    SRMS...wow !!!!

    And hey all the best for your exams.....Do well.
    lolzzz.....its good that youngsters like you are not falling for the brainwashing pseudo-secularist media like NDTV and have a grasp of reality.

    BTW you are a student ?
    This BJP vs Con fight is very old on this forum. Try not to take it too seriously.
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