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  • Omar is having multiple accounts..
    Do bit search.
    Just now (7: 00 AM) Omar was supported by" Building 7 "in earlier deleted thread of (Going to quit PDF) Building 7 was banned for abusive lang.
    Now just new registered Building 7' is here..again supporting specially Omar..these two dont get Online at same time...Just difference of minutes..
    Thanks Mods
    I could understand the sarcasm, but coming from the Admin who is supposed to be an example is what I couldnt digest.

    Anyways I would appreciate if you could delete that. And yes we do love to bash each other and in a a big way
    I dont mind u banning trolls because u do whats good for this site.

    But that comment of urs in that thread was totally inappropriate.You dont have to condescend to the level of trolls rite ?
    I fully agree with you. and thats what i was asking. Yesterday they were posting pictures of making fun of dead Kashmiris who were killed by Indians.

    when we are not calling Indian army terrorists (in my case i am just following new policy of forum thats why not using the word terrorists for them in IoK otherwise in personal capacity i call them terrorists in IoK) if we are following rules why they call Kashmiris abusive names and posts gleeing pictures
    Dear Asim Bhai,

    I literally broke out when have seen the genocide done on Kashmiris by Indian Army on Youtube Videos posted in ''Kashmiri Insurgents Vs Indian Army'' Thread and made Dua for my brethern in Kashmir. Probbaly by your rules I slightly got Off the line but would request you to pardon me for that hence we have many enemy Individuals here calling Hellish words for Mujahideen. I must say I'm not so strong as you loads to bare the *****. Please Pardon me for that. Jazak Allah.
    Lolzz they insist on calling Kashmiris as terrorists and are asking for ban on calling Indian army as occupier and terrorists?

    and btw what cross border they are talking about there is no border its LoC both sides belong to Kashmiris. and anyone who is outsider is indian army the invaders
    Lolzz they insist on calling Kashmiris as terrorists and are asking for ban on calling Indian army as occupier and terrorists?

    and btw what cross border they are talking about there is no border its LoC both sides belong to Kashmiris. and anyone who is outsider is indian army the invaders
    Asim, saw that you deleted the thread from Karan.. Just curious, was it against a rule or just that had served its purpose of saying good bye and was no longer needed.. Asking, since the starting post did give a good message on how we are actually fighting more and more on this forum..
    At first look it appear that you are preventing army from insult but actualy you are forcing indians to call cross border terrorists as seperateist. How do we refer highly trained militants killed while crossing Loc as '' simply a seperateist ''. I guess i am not finding loop hold but expressing my discomfort on this matter. I guess pakistans official policy doesn't support cross border fighting..so people with in boundary only qualifys to be called ''seperateist ''. Thanks for one of the rare response from mod side.
    I guess i can call cross border terrorists (people who come from pak side)as terrorists and people fighting inside indian kashmir as separatist.
    By illegal violence, are you refering to the Chandigarh heckling.. I think the only one who actually got hurt were the folks who disrupted the meeting. Hardly an violence.. More of a protest.. And each Indian should be free to chose sides on the Kashmir issue..

    But your call.. I personally think people like Benny bring a lot of sanity in the sea of heated and sometimes uncivilized discussions.
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