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  • Pls condemn the killing of the two sisters in sopore by LET in your signature as posting articles is not allowed. They don't have the balls, but we are from Gandhi's land and we do.
    Oh Yes, I am Back for Now, Was Committed to Farming for a Few Months, I did not get time to come here...
    thanks buddy. as you said we all love our country but may have some different opinions in some matters.
    Thats great. wish you good luck. TOFEL is not difficult but again a useless requirement by UK and US along with GRE and such courses.

    I believe its way of earning money for them from we desis

    me badly sick :(
    Oh I can understand it. But if you are doing it in government institutes then it is in reasonable rates but due to limitation of seats it is very difficult to get into it.
    That is good decision to do superspeciality as you need to settle well and get back all you have invested. But it must be irritating that how many years you have to spent in order to complete education. By the way how you have got visa to go to Pakistan? What was your experience their?
    Thank you for your suggestion. I wasn't aware that there is struggle for getting jobs for MD as seats for post graduation in Medical are very limited whereas anybody can get admission to engineering.
    Have you given entrance exam for MBBS or got admission on PCB marks.
    Believe me MD with 15 years of experience are making very high money than other professions just keep patience.
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