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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • Dear AgNo, congratulations on becoming an Admin!

    I've been very busy lately, but as soon as I have time I’ll definitely start posting again.

    Keep up the good work my friend.

    Hey Agno, how do you edit your signature? It's not allowing me to edit that bit, however does allow me to edit everythin else tho.

    Thanks bro.
    can you please stomp this insect ''Qsera''

    i and others dont need bhartis like him to spam and post disgusting materials and language on our visitor walls
    Salaam Agnostic Muslim Ramadan Mubarak, may Allah give you happiness and good health.

    I also came Sir because the Indians are personally attacking me again...even after you have deleted there post. Futhermore they are not sticking to the subject..instead they are saying that I am trolling. Correct me if I am wrong but just because I have different views does not mean I am trolling....I have used no abusive language.

    Also the poster Indushek has accused you of being biase in my favour....which is total nonsense. When I ask them a question about the Kashmiri Issue...and they can't answer....they always divert the question...by saying I'm not British..or that Britain was a tyrant in its time who is a British to lecture us. I am not lecturing just giving my opinion..that's why I have joined this forum.. Anyway sorry for the long post..but I am tired of Indians questioning my Nationality..its not right.
    sorry things got out of hand in the Kashmir seperatist thread....just wanted to apologize for joining the bandwagon started by those indians

    actually, i agree with higher ups who feel that we should just ignore them when they bring up distractions and use diversionary tactics

    too many threads are getting derailed by these people
    Sorry too disturb you again....but in the same thread the Indian poster Lukerbak is attacking me personally.....I find this so funny...these guy's are like twice my age...andd yet they can't have a civilised debate...Please ban him Sir.
    Dear Agnostic can you please come to the David cameron doesn't understand Pakistan Thread.....the Indians such as Indusk is personally attacking me and saying that I'm not British...its pissing me off..I don't want to lose my temper...but just because I have different views does not mean that I'm not British..that is using cheap tactics to get at me...you warned them a couple of times before...but seriously this is not on...So can you please do something,. Thank you.
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