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  • salam sir. thanks for ur positive response our group had opened an account for these people u can send ur donations there, we promise to all that we will gave whole details about the account and audit report at the end of our mission.
    account title: sehrish khattak
    account number : 05047900868203
    HBL comercial centre branch sattelite town rawal pindi
    Salam.can i ask a qustion?? How many Cores in ISI??? and whats the difference btwen FIA and FIU ????plz tell me.
    hi Webmaster don't ban me right now give me sometime to work on some previous issues!! Thanks Harry Mohan
    Researchers are making it. PM me to be part of it!

    Thank you I will love to be part of it in future but right now I am sorry, time issues
    I wish to die in a bettal field, but as Madical say I'm not fit for any civil services. and yet after all this. I am 2 times Gold Medalist in Sindh Game and also upto a National Player of a NetBall, and also Black belt in Karate.
    I don't know what to do to join Army, I can do every thing for join Pakistan Army
    Hellow sir,,some problem with my id "sivan_and) created yesterday..i think i've not received the confirmation email from this site..can u pls resend it ?
    but am able to log in and change all fields but cannot post ! pls help..
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