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  • hi buddy, for some reasons i cant send PMs. if you google, you can find those sites easily, let me know if you dont find it. take care
    Hello. Frankly I am not so aware of Indian history to talk about this situation and consider it as your own personal issue. And I shall be honest with you; I am not knowledgeable enough to take a side on this matter.

    My wife though is quite pleased with the judgement that has been passed by your courts.
    Hello Mr. Maulik. I had been away due to lot of work and an episode that included a presence in your neighbourhood, Pakistan. Hence, I couldn't be online for quite sometime. I don't seem to have missed much as the pattern of arguments seems not to have changed much in my long absences.

    I hope you are doing good and that all is well at your end.
    Thank you very much for your invitations as well as your wishes. I myself am yet to know which country as I shall be getting the assignment later. I don't think I have much work in your country anytime soon, but you never know when the HQ hammers some assignments on my head.
    Hello Mr. Maulik. I am doing fine, thank you. I do respond but lesser because my vacations are over and have a lot of work to do. In a couple of days, I would be traveling to the middle east.

    Thank you for your concern.
    Actually I am a bit into religion in my personal life and consider myself fortunate to be born a Hindu, thanks to my father's insistence. After all, Bhagavad Gita guides mankind based on thinking and general common sense rather than illogical and rigid dogma.

    Hinduism is now interesting to a lot of people in the West. Tired of rigid and needless restrictions, many are willing to explore Hinduism. Guess this could mean there is a certain amount of social change seen around in the West. While here in my country, most Hindus are Indian-born immigrants with a few ethnic Swiss converts, Germans seem to be most interested in Europe apart from Britain, Russians and to a large extent Americans.

    It is often difficult to predict how many of them believe in what faith as most of Westerns retain their Western names while actually believing in Hinduism's tenets.
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