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  • Please do not call me Sir; I am only a humble being of Allah. Strange is the fact though that even after mentioning about Uswad Ansi and Muselma Kazzab and what actions(s) was taken against them by no one else but Muhammed (PBUH) himself, people are still arguing as if their intelligence and understanding of Islam is more than of the Prophet himself.

    That was pretty much my last post on this matter because I can only talk with normal people, with people considering themselves more smarter and knowledgeable than the Prophet and Khulfa Rashideen , perhaps only Allah can deal with them.
    You are right zeshukhan sahab its really mind boggling how the minds of certain educated people also get corrupted in the name of modernization and liberalism. Whereas Iqbal has already said:

    Khaas hey tarkeeb mein Qoum e Rasool e Hashmi

    I am failed to understand what is wrong in preventing the Qadyanis from using the word Islam? Was Muselma Kazzab not killed? As you must know, during the last part of the life of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), Uswad Ansi and Muselma Kazzab made false claims to Prophethood. Uswad Ansi was killed by Hazrat Feroze Dailmi Radi Allahu unhu in Yemen and after hearing this news, Muhammed (PBUH) had said "Last night, Uswad Ansi was killed – he was killed by a blessed person from the house of the blessed. He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was asked about the person who did this. He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that Feroz did this – Feroz has succeeded (in hereafter).”

    After Muhammed (PBUH) had passed away, Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Abu Bakar ordered the Muslims troops to find and kill the Muselma Kazaab. Muselma Kazzab was killed along with some tens of thousands (about 28,000) of his followers in the battlefield of Yamama by the Muslims forces under the command of Khalid bin Waleed Radi Allahu unhu. About 1,200 Muslims also got martyred and this was the largest number of Muslims martyred in the last 10 years. Please note that the total number of Companions martyred in Jehad during the ten years of Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) life in Medina is 259, whereas those martyred defending the cause of Finality of Prophethood against the apostates amount to 1200 – included amongst them are 70 Ahl e Badr (companions who took part in the battle of Badr), and 700 reciters and memorizers of Quran. This includes the Imam (Prayer Leader) of Quba Mosque, one of the four notable reciters (Salim Mola Huzaifa Radi Allahu unhu), elder bother of Hazrat Umer Radi Allahu unhu (Zaid bin Khattab Radi Allahu unhu), spokesman of Prophet Sallallahu Alahyi Wasallam (Sabit bin Qais bin Shammas Ansari Radi Allahu unhu) and prominent companions, Hazrat Tufail bin Umro and Huzaifa bin Yaman Radi-Allahu unhum.

    This was the importance of the cause of Finality of Prophethood.
    Thank you; After Zaki, only you had courage to thank my post(s) on Qadyani fitna. Jazak Allah Khair.
    آپ ہمارے بزرگ ہیں اور آپ کا احترام ہمارا فرض ہے
    The quotas are defined by the executive/governing body of an institute/organization. I'm not aware of a stringent quote system when it comes to provincial bodies except reserved women, minorities seats and "backward areas" seats. These "backward areas" seats can be called quota but provincial institutes mostly have open merit and reserved seats when it comes to education.

    You asked about police specifically, I'm guessing you're not going to apply as a ranker. What entry level post are you looking for? CSS induction through competitive exam conducted by FPSC does not get you inducted into a specific provincial police rather you become the employees of the Police Service of Pakistan (PSP), an integral part of the Central Superior Services of Pakistan (CSS). If on the other hand you are asking about induction at the rank of ASI, that is conducted by the provincial PSC, in this case the NWFP Public Service Commission. FPSC and both NWFP-PSC publish news, test dates, test syllabi and detailed FAQs on their websites.
    Financially, I was referring to distribution becomes divided into tiers easily and can be monitored far efficiently.

    As for the quota system, it was program/institution/organization vise. I can answer specifics if you can make it more specific.

    And if I don't reply, then let me know again as I might forget as I have an exam in a couple of hours.
    Didn't liked X-files as i guess its too much fantacy out there.

    I would like to start " 24 " once i am done with these.
    Yes man in fact i am too busy so when ever i get time i watch it in Bukl :D

    Gotta watch S-4 soon.
    Walikum Asalam,

    The stadium you are talking about is in the peripheries of Peshawar Sadr and known as Qayum Stadium Peshawar, and is the only of its kind so far in Peshawar, although Army Stadium and Arbab Niaz Stadium are also their but they are for different purposes.

    The Candle you are talking about were actually 3 candles, but you may have forgotten it. And yes they were very near to F.G boys school.

    Hope you can visit Peshawar any time soon (but not in summers, or you will curse me,Lol) and refresh your memories.

    By the way as you have attachment to Peshawar, so do I have to Abbottabad, and I miss a lot.

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