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  • As i said, its a secondary activity. Just a hobby, career is something else. No hangovers, nor any other effects. Rather its a good tie pass in nowadays, atleast see very less TV, hopefully doing something good rather then watching TV.

    So don't get bored. Rather being from a military family background and having a grave sense of whats happening in my country and the world, feels good to be on such forums and discuss and see things.
    My ID being online doesn't means am online all the time. Having DSL gives the benefit to be logged on 24hrs. Anyway, my personal life is going great. Have no worries about this forum or managing it. Have a beautiful cute daughter to spend my time with and then this forum as secondary activity.

    And if you wish to imply am some kind of an extremist(by judging one side of my moderation) & so sporting a beard, sorry to disappoint you, am clean shaved.
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