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  • Since I am not interested in posting off topics, here is my reply . When India helping a country by supplying free, its for "own strategic goals". So what is doing by Pakistan since 95?. (Sorry for intruding to your privacy)
    There is a thread called India is poor! started by Asim.. I am trying to avoid such topics. If you follow that, a really good debate is possible, else its always gonna be a slugfest dear :)
    Your sentiments are very appreciated and are commendable, Pakistan need devoted, patriotic and dedicated ladies like yourself.

    If i could i would nominate you for the presidency of Pakistan, we desperately need people like you to save Pakistan from internal enemies, As for as external enemies are concerned, Our Great armed forces are enough for them.

    May Allah S.W.T. Help Pakistan be the an examplery country of Islam.
    Hi. Jana, I have read and read your posts and respect for what you stand for, including the knowledgeable comments, Keep up the good work, if we have ladies like you we are a proud country.
    If u say that hindus and muslims live in seperate ghettos, if u say muslims have less oppertunities, if u say muslims are lagging behind in education i might agree to some extent.

    but i dont agree that it is muslim vs hindus.

    refering to what i have said above all the above problems are present to some extent but for them te whole society is to blame including the muslim leadership. wich try to misguide the uneducated muslims.
    I did not want to reply on the thread as it may attract the wrong kind of replies.

    it is true that in India there is a certain degree of stereotyping of muslims. but there is no hindu vs muslims competition as such.

    but still now times are changing muslims are again putting thier act together and joining the mainstream.

    i have a lot to say and do not have the words to express them.
    i thought you were a member, i was kiddin, lol, its private place, for girls, haha
    hi... was browsing and saw u active again
    glad u back!!great to see u again...
    just drop by to say hello, take care.
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