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Recent content by Zovc

  1. Zovc


    He is a Bralvi. His fatwa is irrelevant for the Taliban, Taliban-minded or Taliban sympathizers. At best this might give a alternative Islam for the west to see.
  2. Zovc

    Is it time to recognize Israel

    It's going to be political suicide for anyone who suggests recognizing Israel in Pakistan. Considering the idiotically conservative mentality some of our population breeds. P.S. It's going to be a field day for conspiracy theorists like Zaid Hamid going all "SEE!! we told you this guy worked...
  3. Zovc

    Twenty one civilians killed in Afghanistan airstrike

    21 potential extended families up for Taliban recruitment.
  4. Zovc

    Pakistan Economy stabilised; increase in growth rate eyed

    We never got that stimulus. There is a huge fuss on rejecting any aid from the US (Kerry-Lugar Bill etc.). Moreover 1.2 billion with the whole technicalities amounts to peanuts. It's another one of those huge misconceptions that Pakistan is run on aid money.
  5. Zovc

    Who's taking NA-55?

    Hopefully Sheikh Rashid. Considering it's unlikely for a PTI victory.
  6. Zovc

    Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

    Dude ... stop with the lies already!! ... the video I posted was part of a 2 hour video. So you cannot expect me to post the whole 2 hour session. So what if you posted a further 2-3 mins of the video, WHERE IS THE ANSWER ... the additional part of the video you posted is totally irrelavent...
  7. Zovc

    Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

    Yes, that too. One thoery (conspiracy :P) is that he was pardoned by a deal from the ISI inexchange for his speaking skills. Details of the Yousif Kazzub issue: Zaid Hamid Exposed……………big time…………… Along with Lahore Highcourt Ruling...
  8. Zovc

    Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

    My heart bleeds when I see all this ill-informed Pakistani's support the likes of Zaid Hamid, Ahmed Qureshi, Shahid Qureshi and other such conspiracy theorists. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this show or the entire Wake-Up series, but there is something rotten about Zaid Zaman's...
  9. Zovc

    How would you fix Pakistan's pubic schools?

    It is a well established fact the majority of Mujahideen from Pakistan who participated in the Soviet-Afghan war or the recent WoT were Madarassa students. What is unclear is if correlation signifies causality, there maybe you can differ on opinions.
  10. Zovc

    How would you fix Pakistan's pubic schools?

    Maybe...but the people these guys control and boss have surely gone to madrassa's.
  11. Zovc

    Rate my Jinnah/JF17 pic

    It's good if you're just a beginner.
  12. Zovc

    Imran Khan says he has the support to become Pakistan's future leader

    If i am not mistaken than the two recent by-elections in NWFP for provincial seats PTI (Imran Khan's party) bagged votes in the thousands and came out as 2nd and 3rd in the elections. In the up-coming NA-55 elections PTI is expected to bag votes in the 10's of thousands. Gone are the days when...
  13. Zovc

    Zardari orders reopening of cases against him in Switzerland

    That's a very bad example :P. Khair, I agree, Zardari has come here with the people's mandate, let him complete his term. May he never be elected again. Screw GEO.
  14. Zovc

    Slackistan the Movie.

    You should also jail or sentence to life all those people who act in 'action' films and kill people. Sheesh people, grow up. Some of you on here are just too young to comment.

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