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  • Thoughts on B'aathism and Arab Socialism
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    I think Pakistan could get around the India problem by making peace with it, but that won't happen anytime soon.
    Modernity is good, but the road to modernity is bumpy. Many countries failed on the halfway. Such as Thailand, Philippines, South America, Mexico, Egypt, and the list can go on and on.
    There are two countries are similar to China. One is Singapore, governed by elites base on credibility and capability. One is Iran, centralized the power on top of all interest group and sectarians.
    The difference between China and Singapore is size.
    The difference between China and Iran is CCP Party versus Guardian Council.
    Welcome back Comrade Viva
    China needs better soft power look towards the Russians are doing tbh
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    China need soft power, China lag behind for decades. Many reasons, the biggest decline of China civilization in history since 19th century, the invasion of western powers, the invasion of Japanese(which is heart breaking, because Japanese is Chinese culturally back in 1930s), and revolutions after revolutions, good and bad ones.
    China is lonely, most of the resources on earth has been occupied by western powers, if you count European, Russia, US, Canada, Australia, South America together, they has 8 times of resources of China.
    China is no fool, it's long long term game. If China fail, I am pretty sure, the future of all Muslim is dark. There is no one can check the western power. Literally NO ONE.
    There is difference between folks on PDF and folks on the ground in Pakistan or in the govt
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    No, I did NOT misunderstand. The same elites who speak English, read English in HK and Pakistan. Those elites think for themselves, love themselves more than the countries. And the very small group, who can influence the media, banking, court, and make huge damage to Pakistan.
    If Pakistan can NOT control them, they control Pakistan.
    I read too much history, the Chinese history, thousands lessons learnt.
    "Inferred" methodology (most popular in the internet clickbait) is just not a substitute for direct sampling (before we even get to IQ vs final functional intelligence arguments), should we say Chinese were "low IQ/intelligence" at their worst relative development time period (say 1940s?)
    As a scientific analysis, people sampled should have similar education back ground in the similar age and nutriture.

    You should compare difference races in the U.S. Or different races in China.

    I am not a racist, but I don't believe all men are equal neither.

    I believe some are good at math, some are good at art, some are good at sports, and so on. My English sucks, my physics is good.
    I mostly agree, I just put direct data for all this stuff as the only standard to measure. If its IQ, then you got to design sample survey with direct measurement of IQ...simple. The quoted IQ comparisons do not do that....they infer too much. Its not good science to me. Just measure what you say you want to measure, period.
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    On January 17, 1961, Eisenhower gave his final televised Address to the Nation from the Oval Office. In his farewell speech, Eisenhower raised the issue of the Cold War and role of the U.S. armed forces. He described the Cold War: "We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method ..."
    Eisenhower warned about what he saw as unjustified government spending proposals and continued with a warning that "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex."
    In the link above, we see that a kind of criminal situation in Turkey. every year hundreds of thousands of people coming to work in Turkey from a much wider geography from Central Asia. Unfortunately, a significant number of them work illegally. A very simple example, you know our relations with Armenia in frozen, but about 20,000 Armenian citizens working in Turkey , without work permit.
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    Trying to formulize the ideas of Pan Turanism with such a simple crime and migration problem and making connections between them is an extremely irrational or even manipulative approach.

    I appeal to the desire of establish a connection between this issues.

    I wouldn't want to keep your page busy, but I couldn't remain silent against this comment. Thank you for understanding.
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    The link above I ignored, it doesn't related nor matter at all.

    Illegal immigration is totally another issue.

    Pan-Turkism is a fact, not some imagination.
    Japan invest a lot on robot to mitigate Aging problem, so far Japan total factor productivity is still growing, it's an amazing achievement.

    I am optimistic that robot + AI will reduce a lot of labor intensive jobs.

    IMO, the key is move up in the value chain. BRI will promote those countries who can seize the opportunities. And those countries will join in China value chain and get a slice of the cake.
    Pay attention to RCEP. Allegedly India has made his mind to join in.
    BRI+RCEP+Robot+AI+new industrial revolution, I think China can solve the aging problem.
    Sino-Soviet Spilt was it worth it or no,tho had the spilt not occured China might have ended like Cuba or Mongolia dependent on USSR
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    What Lenin and Stalin did is right or wrong is the thing for historians.
    How to evaluate Lenin and Stalin is purely political.

    It's Cold War, the most important thing is holding your alliance. You must NOT lose. Once you lose, you lose everything.

    Nikita Khrushchev criticized the policy of Stalin, it create numerous chaos in Communist Camp. And most importantly the split with China.
    You mean the secret speech he gave in 1956
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    CHN Bamboo
    CHN Bamboo
    刚刚去洗澡所以晚回复了(o_ _)ノ
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    Hi bro, I read that you're really level headed and knowledge-able. I like to read your opinions, and how you handle the discussion in PDF.
    Yes, I agree. I tend to think that most of Chinese posters are young, and has not experience in engaging with international people. They don't understand the psychology of people that they're engaging to. That's why they face many hostility, even from the supposedly Allies to China.
    Thanks for the follow.

    I hope you stay here on PDF and present a positive image of China. One is needed badly here to counter both anti-China posters and some Chinese members who speak their minds too openly and upset others.

    Seems that you are quite aware of global trends and such, so all the best to you.
    I hope China can act dynamically and allay some of the fears which Muslims are having vis a vis Xinjiang.

    You have the same choice as the West had, they chose confrontation, war, and hate.

    China can choose to fully embrace Muslims, win hearts and minds, and become our biggest ally against our conflict with imperialist occupiers plaguing us.
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