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  • My friend gave me the quote this how you can apply it

    The more things change e.g: You move into a new town, you meet new people, new house,new collage

    The more things stay the same e.g: You move into a new town but it still a town in england, You meet new people and most of them remind you of your old mate, You move into a new house but its same its your home and you have a tv there which you had in your old house, you have a bed there which you have in your house etc, and you move into a new collage but its still a collage

    The message wasn't ment to be take litrealy rather poetic :P.

    and if you really want to know my thinking then that signature didn't really represnt it since a firend gave it to me. My current signatre does refelct my thought and emotion.

    There are some other quotes that i enjoy do you want me to share some with you? mabye you'll like em.

    Here i have a question for you. Do you have have any people who inspire you and if yes then who ?
    Hey there never thought that i'd hear from you again. And eh in the litrate sence it does have have a contridiction but not metaphoricaly. Also thanks for remdning about the quote i never liked it much time to change it =D
    huh what xD? I wasn't trying to offened you neither did i call you ignorat where did that came from xD. Anyways next time can you try posting on my page since i have no idea weather you replied or not. I just wanted to clear out some thing thats all i am doing astronomy so i thought i could have helped you out :P.

    One last thing take a chill pill sis ;D
    "The primary reason for joining this form is to share views with you what will be the future of Physics in Pakistan."

    Are you physist or what 0-0? I came to your bio to tell you about the expansion of the universe but when i read that i was kind of suprised that you already didn't knew that o_O.

    On anotehr note the reason that guy thinks that your a girl is cause of your name offcorse
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