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  • I interpret your response as an acknowledgment that you don't find the honor of Muslim women worth defending, and your reference to "crusade" that you categorize such concerns as purely judeo-christian. Do you think many other Pakistanis share your values and world-view?
    is abuse tolerated on pdf if u come up with facts???tht south indians are hated by N. indians coz of their looks and complexion??
    I reported tht to mod:apirzada he did nothing! so i had to reply this troll who was abusing my family! in turn now he has started abusing not just be but quaid e azam also!
    Now will u do something except banning(plz dont....ive spent 1 year without any abusing nd certainly dont want to get banned plz) me for replying to him in the same way he abused my family?

    Its the 3 time im reporting it sir! plz spare me and ban this troll! plz plz plz... i have been for for an year and never abused somebdy but this...
    Haeen? Mera thread phir delete kar diya aap nay??

    Yar Mr TechLahore... You talk about specific as if economic inequality in the west is not a specific issue that could generate interesting discussion... I am at a loss as to why you are behaving this way... I was very clear that the intent is not west bashing rather to generate discussion/create awareness that things are not so rosy in the west as a lot of people generally believe...

    If there was a topic on economics already going, you could ve merged my thread with that... it seems very strange that you would become upset at a reasonable topic under the world events section and delete the whole thread??
    Not that I believe in the "Israel gov sanctioned abuse" line, but even if true, why should that be more important and relevant to Pakistani foreign policy than even worse abuse taking place in Africa?
    "Sad but irrelevant for the PAKISTAN defence forum"

    If the video had allegedly been of an ISRAELI beating a Muslim woman, wouldn't you have chosen to keep the thread? "By your logic" (your favorite phrase!) there would then never be any threads about Israel's relations with the Palestinians, is that not so?
    and seriously I was going to ignore silly comments by Paladin... if that was your concern... Ahmad seemed genuinely engaged in the issue...

    Sorry if I broke any rules... I still say resurrect the thread... I have a lot of information on this issue and get to know about things that many people dont become aware of... The intention was not making it our version of Fox News by God!!! :)
    Yaar bhai aap nay mera thread hee delete kar diya... Who said I was encouraging hatered? or bigotry? Yay idea kahan say mil gaya aap ko... Did you even read what I had posted... I think it was a fair thread... and I posted it for a valid discussion... problems in the west are largely hidden from the minds of many of our members... it could have been a good place to discuss the darker reality in the west for a lot of people...

    hi techlahore ! i hope u r fine-- ive a request -- my thread
    Potential Customers''
    is on the first page of militery aviation -- in my haste i didnt completely name my thread--- actually it was supposed to be--

    Potential new/used f-16 Customers and Sellers''

    would you be kind enough to change the title -- thanking u!
    Salaams my man,

    Great to know that all is well at your end!

    So sorry for the belated reply but i was swamped at office and literally became the midnight man so had to make it up to wife, daughter and parents over the few days i had some off time.

    Doing alright, Alhamdulillah.
    However due to economic woes of our country, there is disturbance at workplace since the industry is pretty badly hit.
    However that is an issue common to us all.

    Hope the things like Thar project lift this country up instead of becoming a battleground for politicians and bureaucracy.

    When are you visiting Lahore again?
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