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  • Bhai,
    Why you have deleted my thread "Why Indians and Pakistanis will not want Chinese model of progress."

    Can't we have a healthy debate, why always Chinese allowed to derail the thread and get away with it.

    Then what relevance following thread have with India's defense section.
    "Chinese progress provokes aggression amongst Indians."

    Indian and Pakistani members get banned and threads deleted but chinese get favors.

    Please warn Chinese members, they always post off topic, intentionally derails the threads and post about poverty/aids/toilets in India's defense threads.

    Please move " Pakistan's new tank near China 99G " from China Defence to Pakistan Defence & Military Forums Land Forces

    there is a new member "itaman" he is posting flame, plz immediately ban him and delete all of his threads.

    thanks & regards
    Taimi bhai i have something in mind for last few days , Inshallah i will post you soon just doing some research on it as yet.

    hi, need your help, please PM me your email, Webmaster recommended that I talk to you. thanks man.
    Dude...You delete my post for being a personal attack which it clearly wsn't ! and his post still stands..

    Stop being biased man !!!
    Dear Taimy,

    Dedicated to you :

    There must be something about "me" that I do not perish, despite "the world" being envy/hostile to me since centuries.

    Dear Tammy bhai, ye sher khaas aap ke liye arz hai, gaur farmaiyega...

    "Kuchh Baat Hai Ke Hasti Mit’ti Nahin Hamari
    Sadiyon Raha Hai Dushman Daur-e-Zaman Hamara"

    Take care buddy.
    Sir thank you very much for beautiful replying on new year's day..even i hope this year will bring best for you and your family.
    It causes a huge hangover effect on me though. Its ok if you are kindda journalist or so or some Agent monitoring public opinion of masses etc.

    You treat this as a carrier or hobby? I left my previous workplace because the cofee machine was far too long from my desk. I wont invest my mind in filtering crap out of even more crap throughout my day. You must be having hangover effects, dont you?
    I bet you are the eldest of your siblings and you even sport a beard and maybe have a very bad sense of humour, coz I really didnt get why you went so abusive in the conversation earlier.
    Hey Taimi buddy, how come you are online day and night? This must be hampering your personal life i guess. Computers all the way huh? All the while in your bank and also from home. Its really a tough job I guess. If I would have been in your place then I would have instead be a gardener, nurturing beautiful roses and other beautiful flowers and sleeping peacefully at night. Hope you too get a peaceful sleep. Man when on forum, I would constantly think and even dream about forum realted stuff. I was quite messed up. How do you manage to keep your mind out of this forum and focuss on your other side of life? That would be very interesting to know,

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