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  • You have never heard of a "back-fire"? A fire set so it will meet up with another so that both get snuffed out?
    There is some Indian movie where some hero with name ending at Khhana (the one who has less hair on his head was hero) is being shown as Indian agent who came to Karachi in search of "Pakistani terrorists" and lolzzzzzzzzzzzz and you will be amazed to see your Karachi being shown by them :( pathetic. wait i check with my younger brother who watches these pathetic movies he might know the name.
    I am positing that the two incidents are linked by the same state of mind: not derangement, but criminal-blames-victim, right and wrong turned upside-down. Don't you ever wonder why societies that embrace Israel and Jews are "normal" and desired places to live, while those that vilify Israel and Jews are all messed up?
    Re: "Butchers" comment.

    I do not understand how what I wrote could be considered off-topic; rather, I am stating that the Butcher's behavior is a natural result of Pakistanis' moral outlook. Pretty close to what Sparklingway said, yes?
    Hhmmmm......but at least the rates are reasonable, here, we get charged a rupee and twenty paisas for every 64 kb downloaded.
    Indeed, we don't even have 3G, EDGE is as good as it gets in Pakistani cities. In rural areas, we are still stuck with GPRS !
    My bad T-Faz, thank you for ur reply.
    I will refrain myself from such postings.
    Cheers mate..
    A thread I started was closed on the grounds that -

    "This is a flame thread started by Bangladeshi to Incite Pakistani about conditions of Indian Muslims. See how funny the equation is and still the thread stand open!! Not worth it.."

    Such an assumption is both prejudiced and dumb and that a thread should be closed on such a pathetic ground beggars belief. That the thread elicited more than 100 comments without a single post being trashed by the moderators seems to contradict the allegation of it being a flame thread. If the thread and been closed on some other ground I would not have felt so insulted.
    You and Taimi are two of the most dedicated Mods of PDF, that's why I almost always report to you guys, most of the time you guys are on line, even if you aren't at the time, you are some time later.
    Lucky for you and most of us, otherwise these guys would ruin the quality of the forum.
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