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  • The Indian members (IBRIS etc.) are posting extremely obscene comments, please chastise them for their terrible use of the right of free speech and close this pointless thread. Thank you.
    Hi sir,

    I have been posting comments on various threads for the last 3 days but my post count remains the same stuck at 1050.Pleaselook into it for me. Thank you
    Dear TFaz... Of course I understand... The only person I have criticized here in detail is Musharaf and I have given my reasons... Trust me bhai on this one when I tell you that Pakistan's army lost all good reputation during his tenure... not just in our country but abroad as well...

    The only other person that I may have offended is this person called Santro... I admit I did lose my cool with him... Imagine someone defending America's war crimes... Obviously his children and sisters have not been murdered or tortured by America in Iraq so he has the audacity to state things like leave judgement and punishment to God!!! Can you imagine a Muslim who believes in the principle "Do not oppress and do not BE oppressed" speak in this fashion?

    My disagreement with you would only be in the issue of Islam being a personal matter... I do not see Islam as a religion... neither you would see me posting material related to how Muslims should devote themselves to Namaz or Roza etc... Whenever I would mention Islam it would be for ideological reasons... i.e Islam as the solution to the problems we face in our country specifically and in the world generally... Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion on the issue but my discussions have only been with the intent to describe those solutions... please do read my post on land reforms and distribution of wealth generated from energy resources in one of the threads... that has nothing to do with a private thing rather it involves the whole community... and I do my best to post it in political section of the forum...

    As for our enemies who insult our Muhammad and our Deen... ban them from the forum asap... They dont need an excuse to insult us my dear brother... and we should not be afraid of their cheap tactics... They insulted the best of the men our prophet, they wont hesitate to do the same to us as well...

    Still if you think I am causing a lot of stir feel free to stop me... I ll play by the rules here...

    May you have a good day inshaAllah
    Sorry bhai TFaz... I have gotten so used to type Busharaf instead of Musharaf...

    Also... My ideology is Islam and I dont see why a mention of Islam is an issue for a moderator of "Pakistan" defence forum... Is it against any forum rules?

    My whole antagonism against Musharaf is due to his obvious anti Islamic and pro western secularist stupidity... I dont see how I can put forward an argument without resort to Islamic references...

    Feel free to e mail me bhai... If you or someone else is upset at a particular post do let me know and I shall be willing to correct myself...

    Buhat Salam or Khair...
    As you have deleted my thread on disputed site at Ayodhya saying there is already a thread why don't delete the another one by Techlahore i know he's Mod but is that make rules not applicable?
    oops sorry..... well ill just ask u here. i have some pics of army high altitude school rattu from when i went there in this last winter. i wud like to upload them on the siachin thread but am unaware as to if that might have any security implications to our boys in the army. can u plz advise me on what to do?
    ps: the pics were taken with the base commander's consent
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