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  • Boring, boring, boring! Yes, it was. Had I not been so busy with my graduate studies, wife and small child, I would have been unhappy with the "pace" of life there. It was like an island of human dwelling in a huge, featureless expanse of corn and soybean fields. The Physics Department was excellent though, at the time, and my wife had a teaching job over in Danville, IL (on the Indiana border, a 90-mile drive). Are you going to be there for a long time? I spent 4.5 years there. I have only visited U/C twice since 1972, recruiting graduating engineers for the company that I worked for in Upstate New York.

    Take care,
    Sparklingway, Sir!
    I see you reside in Champaign, IL. I graduated from the Univ. Of Ill. C/U for my PhD in Physics. Are/were you associated with the U of I? I left C/U in 1972. I have fond memories of riding my bike around the U of I farms south of the campus. At this time of year the corn must be getting up to 2 meters if you have enough rain. I was always impressed by the thunder storms that rolled over C/U in the summer. I have some old 35 mm slides of violent lightning storms over the married student housing where I lived.

    I need some good articles regarding about the way 'Maulvis opposed the very creation of Pakistan'

    we are doing a Project for the pathetic burgers of Islooo who have nothing but Maulvi's & Islam in their mind, will be waiting for it
    You are quite right, farming is a great job indeed. I my self had a life of a farmer for 3-4 years when my family owned a horticultural farm in a remote village in south India.

    I had a life riding on tractor and sawing seeds during monsoon and looking after a healthy laborers before moving towards higher education and society accepted job due to pressure from all sides including parents. Though nothing satisfied me like the life of simplicity and the interactions with nature.

    The pricing problem is prevalent here too where a farmer gets a mere percentage of what he produces and considerable amount going to middle men including agents, wholesalers and retailers. But recent surge in retail market has seen big retain chains buying the produce right from farm , therby reducing the margin that went to middle men.

    Im hoping to go back to farming once i can convince by kins and my pocket.And its not about money, its about self satisfaction.

    Yaar you didn't get my point , i was talking to a Canadian folk las night who was of the view that Commonwealth is still a colonial organization and queen has some effect over the policies over the members in some form.

    I dont see anything wrong with Commonwealth or maybe its my lack of knowledge but what i do know is that IF CW has this type of agenda of covertly propagating British interests amongst the members we should step aside.

    I think like Americans we need to have our own identity-it will take us at least 100 more years to be a great nation & an Independent nation which cant be intimidated , we need to lay foundations now and gradually keep building our own castle rather than seeking refuge in someone else's.

    What do you say.
    Why do you think we still are a part of British lead commonwealth ??

    Americans told them to mind their own business centuries ago - why we being an Intendant nation are still associated to Commonwealth?
    Sparkling bhai! I have read many of your posts! and trust me sincerely I am your biggest fan! you write, look and sounds like a product of UIUC! keep it up and best of luck!
    hey m waiting for that book, send it next time when you come online plus point out the relevant chapter in it
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