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  • Hmm - check with webby then. I don't think the forum allows regular members to upload videos on to site servers. May have to upload them to utube first.
    Are they on youtube or some such service, because all you have to do then is paste the 'share' link from the video in your post, and the forum software will embed it into your post.
    1. Indeed, Islam needs no leader. Indeed Islam prohibits the use of alcohol. Indeed, we're Muslims who can interpret the Quran on our own. But then that's it. You interpret it for yourself, I'll interpret it for me. Don't protest when our armymen declare themselves as Mujahid.

    2. Mullah-giri was created as part of Islam's politics. We made our Caliphs into kings, and those kings needed to give edicts on Islam, they promoted Mullahs as their thugs to spread their version of Islam.

    Seeking guidance about Islam and secularism are two different things. Secularism forbids the mixing of religion with national affairs.

    3. There is no such thing as secular laws have to be evil laws. You do the right thing and put in the right kind of laws. Islam would have no problem with things that are right... To say such laws are wrong, is to say that Islam is wrong.

    You make your choice.
    helo n hi to all!
    well... i ve jst read wat all u wrote...sonic!...u might b right but i think that u r not aware of some facts or sume one has really misled and givn very wrong information to u.... u ve tried to make an earnest endeavour to give an impression dat pak officers r only enjoying perks n priveledges which dey dun even deserve... u even tried to draw a comparison between indian officers and pak officer's benefits....well lets start from the same point...here are som of teh details of wat a liutenant gets in indian army once he joins
    1. free rations
    2. furnished accomodation with allied facilities ..... free
    3. free medical facilities including his siblings...not just parents
    4. group housing scheme....*
    5 soft loans for building houses
    6. transport for childern to their schools
    7. 2 months of fully paid leave very year
    8. free travel by rajdhani/ any express train wid family
    9. basic pay of rs 10500---liutenant
    10. dearness allowance---57% of basic pay
    11. city compensatory allowance... if not posted in a big city
    12. outfit allowance....6000......revised regularly
    13. field area allowance.... if in field.....upto 3500
    14. if posted to glacier.....7000
    15. qualification grant.....more courses u qualify....3000-10000

    well.... janab.... i think... u must hav been able to draw a clear picture of the lifestyle an indian officer experiences and i hope ....coz u were so much vocal on the perks being enjoyed by pak officers... i need not to provide u about wat our officers get....i assume dat u must b aware of dat......there is only one field in above stated facts which is also appllicable to pak officers and dat is marked with a "*"....scroll up please......
    now i know u ll comment on a number of entries above.....so let me clarify those my self for ur ease........ these r teh details in reponse to abov facilities as what a **** officer gets....

    1. no free rations for officers of army

    2. only acomodation......with just one bad and one chair with allied facilities but NOTHING FREE....rest furnishing is on officr n for allied facilities...he pays bills

    3. free medical facilities but NOT AT ALL FOR SIBLINGS.....

    4. yes ... group housing scheme is same

    5. loans???......huh..... wat to talk about soft loan policy.........even if arranging from commercial banks....permission is mandatory from commander

    6. sir... no concept of transport for childern here!

    7. 1 month of leave is authorized once in a year...... ask any of officers u know..... h many times they have spent a complete month wid dere family .... ask dere families rather

    8. 50% discount on train....dat too just for ur wife only.....NOTHING FREE sir!

    9. basic pay---8500---liutenant

    10.dearness allownce???....ask any pak officer...he wont have even heard of it ...sir!

    11. city compensatory allowance....same goes for it.....visit anyone in "mailsi"...southern punjab...ask him wat is it.......or declare mailsi a mega city...sir!

    12. outfit allowance...... for Ncos.....in pma only....those who are instructor for drill...no such allowance for officers.....and even den ever yourself compare the outfit maintained by a pak officer with another officer of any other army....... u ll not feel dat our officers do not get an allowance for it....which others do get

    13. field.....go to "chor"...ask if he is getting even 1 extra peny for it......be mind ful v r talking of field...not of hard area...coz i know... u ll try to misguide people by mixing a field area with hard area....field area is when ever anyon is out of cant and in an open area(field) for practical exercise....... i hope i need not to explain a hard area now... i expext all the readers to be dat much wise atleast....

    14. either they go to glacier or in battls in wana or swat..... any place... at maximum they get a sum of rs 3000...either in form of hard area allowance or in form of internal security allowance...respectively....wid due respect sir!

    15. qualification grant????..... well ... pakistan has got the biggest number of oficers who take sword from royal academy of sandhurst england..... even after doing and getting 1st position in foreign staff courses in grmany, france, jordan and many more...no one gets and not even expexts to be given any such allowance....sir!

    now..... to sum up...some more facts...... one can easily make up as who is gtting more..... from these figures....but at same time dun 4get n b mindful dat indian our currency has different wieghtage as compared to indian.... a car which indian officer can buy in rs 290000......(maruti)..... for buying same **** officer has to pay rs 410000.....means if u take all these facts meentioned above in dollars.... u ll find that difference wud further double......

    now to add to ur hapines "sonic"...and for guidance of all readers.... please refer to "6th CPC" announced by indian govt for indian army officers whereby...
    "very indian officer gets rs 12000 per child for his tution (education) and further 6000 if he wants tto put him in some hostel....this facility can b availed by all officers for 2 children only"

    plz mr sonic....can u kindly show me a match to it in our army....sir......plz

    and to end up..... the fact which sonic was trying to exploit to misguide many of readers...... 4 plots.......ist of all let me telll u that 4 plots can b availed by only officers who rise up to the rank of brig.......and for ur kind information....80 % of oficrs retire as majors......so how many plots can rest 20 % consume ....even if they eat na..... even then not as much as u were trying to portray......

    now some facts to answer u.

    1. it is never like dis that plots r givn 4 free or for rs 4000 per plot...... for ur kind information..... latest plot...ma father got....n it was of 8 marla....he had to pay rs 9 lac..... then it was alloted...otherwise allotment was to be cancelled

    2. houses which are given...... mr...... officers who subsribe to this scheme only they get it..... n then they have to pay a dwnpayment ...which is 45000 now a days.....n subsequently....intallments of rs 1500 for ist 8 years, 2500 for next 5 years, 3500 for next 5, and 5000 for last 5 years....

    3. if ur service is less then 23 years ... u r not eligible.....sir

    4. at nd of service...once house is alloted... again a lumpsum payment is to b paid to get possession of house.

    5. n one important information....do not just add up all these figures and reply me back and say that it forms an amount which is less then teh amount of hpuse.....answer my question...... wat army does with teh downpayment and installments????..... is it not used in projects to generate economic activity..... can u undermine teh utility these accumulated funds offer to army n this country... where is it invested... is it not for the meting the need of this giant army.....just tell me.... what will happen if u put same downpayment in a fixed account for 23 years and keep on adding to a fixed savings account for 23 years ..every month...wat ll be the profit u ll earn on it.....now understood
    ... even now if u calculate like a misery n say... even then it does not make up teh amount for house... so mr....only dat little margin which is left... is a benefit which a poor army officer is given after the most dedicated, most threatened, most devoted and 24 hours 7 days job for his complete life....... i wud appreciate if every tom dick n harry has those guts to sacrifice his comfort to the level which these officers always do.......... u do not deserve to talk about these people...who leave there loved ones behind and walk down those valleys from where they dun ve teh surety to return.... u feel lik killing urself if u fail to be wid ur wife at the birth of ur child.....mr.....my brother died... my father couldnt see his face.... he was in kargil....... n i m not portraying it as a grief..... i m proud of ma dad...... n this is nothing.....sacrfices worth mentioning cant be mentioned here...which everyone cant offer...... the dirty seed u tried to sow between army n common man... i tried it shud not nourish ...n th 2nd seed u tried to sow between nco n jco n officers....i ll address it next time... coz for today its more den enough....tc...MAY ALLAH show u th right path!
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