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  • motor havapeymaye mosferi bara kodom havapeyma?
    manzoret IRAN_140 hast ?

    soheil bekhoda man jasoos nistam ye sanadi bedeh bavar konam
    soheil jan naqofti in chizaro az kola midoni?
    az koja midoni iran dareh motor khoob bra jet misazeh
    ashna dari?
    Man chesham aab nemikhore ke ta 10 sal dige betoonan kari konan. Dar vaghe mojeze nemitoonan konan. Ba in vaze air forcemoon, tanha rahesh ineke ye kari ba chin sorat bedim. Doshman labe marze, havapeyma alan lazem darim na farda.
    To in modati ke inja boodam dar moredesh ba ino oon sohbat kardam, ye baram az khodesh porsidam. Asliatesh Vietnamie vali Amrika bozorg shode, khodesham Amrikai midoone. Nemidoonam vali to kodom keshvar bedonya oomade.
    Not funny at all. I understand it's hard for you to believe things from the outside world when you are living under a dictatorship that tries to brainwash its population with propaganda.
    By simply reading the reports put out by the Iranian media, you can that it is fake.
    No, i don't hate persians. I am just telling it how it is. Press TV isn't a real news service, it is a propaganda tool which reports fake, made up news dictated by the Iranian government.
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