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  • oh before you ask me-- i know its Saturday today- but in saudia arabia-- saturday is the first day of work after week ends-- Thursday and Fridays are holidays-
    Any way
    Take care hun- time for a quick nap-
    Stay in Touch
    Yeah i hv decided not to post any more on that thread- i am having a hd ache-- not because of the discussions- but because its 5.15 AM here and at 8 AM i hv to go to work :P
    i can imagine whats gona happen to me at work :p
    so i'll talk to you later-
    Hi- Lol - it really is a unique way to spend valentine :P- lucky books- they got to be your valentine :)-
    Naa i dont believe you-- you must have had a good time- without the books i mean :D

    I dont know-- maybe they are bunch of young kids-which makes them emotional- aggressive-etc-- They'll learn to be tolerant- as the time passes by-- Honestly it took me a while too-
    Hi-- i am fine alhamdolillah-
    How are you-- how was the valentine?
    About the incident-- i was the victim myself- i opened his profile-- did some posting else where-- then came back to his profile and got confused- where the hell all those messages came from-- even i replied to one :P silly me-- Lol--
    ny way have a good day-- and if there's night-- Good Night then :D
    stay in touch-
    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    one sentence.......
    one contradiction......
    I saw GR's profile, and saw the 'accident' :P
    Actually, Its not the same avatar. Its taken from same documentery, and has got a 1-2 sec different scene
    Wow, thats so funny!
    You are talking as if we were good friends and I have been on a vacation, whereas this was our first talk! :P
    Yeah, thanks for that info :)
    Kool.... i have fam & frends in london i was just asking anyhow talk to you soon :)

    Hi same here thx for asking ... busy with work etc... you know how it goes uff anyhow good to hear you are well.. where are u btw? country i mean ?
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