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  • Hay! Can you give me the link of the full size picture of the girl in your Avatar? Actually the girl in you AV is really beautiful!
    thank you so much for visiting my profile and still not accepting the request :roll eyes:
    Yeah i believe you, you can easily convince me or anyone else very easily, all you have to do is look em the eye and ask are you convinced :P poor guy will have no other option :D mesmerizing init? :D joking apart we cannot convince some one who has a mindset what he believes is right, and is not ready to change/alter his beliefs. Lots of people here argue with that mentality.

    People with different opinion can coexist more easily, Listening is the way we grow, If the person agrees with every thing i am saying then it would be pretty boring init, So, at the core, it is best if the values are the same but opinions are different.

    So in the final analysis - differences of opinions are what make for fun, excitement and entertaining conversation - all with the view in mind of being understood.

    Seariously i thought study of Astronomy can lead in predicting the future, future of the Universe, when its gona end how it gona end, when the star gona die etc etc :P naaaaa tbh i did confuse Astronomy with Astrology ;)
    tc, cheers
    Ic good to see its alright ... anyhow see you around enjoy your stay.

    Hi, good to see ur msg, i am alright, i dont do serious discussion now, like u said they lead no where :) i see ur interested in stydying Astronomy, so you gona predict the future? ;) ny way keep eating vegetables and stay beautifull :P tc, cheers
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