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  • As Pakistan enters its most critical phase, it demands strong leadership and not the leadership of cowards and weaklings.
    After shawal valley we will give our brothers a new home and a new life in FATA with facilities and infrastructure.
    Not to mention you've a dirt mouth, callings others retard, saying words like GTFO or bitch, looks like you weren't well tamed growing up.
    Tamed? Were you tamed? Animals are tamed? Are you an animal? Which animal are you? A dog? A cat? A hyena?
    And you fail to get the meaning. What can I say, kids are naive.
    you know the world is wrong when the notion is not "the strong protect the weak" rather its "the strong survive and the weak perish".
    The hardest thing in life is to be unbiased for you become the target of biased fools but it truly makes you see things you couldn't before.
    Bro you might get desired stuff from Apollo sports in Lahore.

    Don't know much about Lahore btw.
    Do they have Apollo sports in Peshawar?
    Woah woah woah!why you going around calling me kiddo for all you know i could turn out to be older than you.BTW i am about to turn 16!now tell me yours!?
    Those are General Niazi's views but the people holding the staff appointments say otherwise.PN says that that they had total superiority in the waters and PA says that they still had sufficient sources.Heck their were a couple of battalions that did not surrender for a week or so.But of course their are a lot of unconfirmed facts but the situation on the supplies was not bad.The bottom line was that General Niazi lost all hope,thats all.
    Well that is a childish assessment i do not intend to indulge in but rather i was talking about the scenario you presented of 71 war.
    Bhai give your comments on my new thread on members club
    Who's your Five most favourate music Bollywood director
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