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  • hello sir , just wanted to post my Salam.

    Never heard anything from you for long time..

    take care

    danke für die nette Nachricht, natürlich können wir Freunde sein!
    Oh Alright. Well, I messaged Mr. MuradK and haven't recieved a reply as of yet. But anyways, thanks for the suggestion! TC.
    Thank you for your kind words.

    Need all the help I can get from other Pakistanis as well.

    Will be on the forum infrequently due to personal commitments for the next few months.

    Hi. I was reading a theard and you seemed to know a lot about the Med corps. Is there any information that you can share on the scope of a medical career for a female in the PAF? Other branches allowing females to apply? Thanks, AJ
    Hmm, well I dont know if you really wanted to post this here or not, maybe you mis pressed something!!........

    But as for the brother country concept!! I think all Pakistanis already do believe Bangladesh to be their Brother Country! TC
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