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Recent content by rashtriya.rifles

  1. rashtriya.rifles

    Christian women paraded naked by Muslim landlord in Pak

    Shame! Three Christian women paraded naked by Muslim landlord in Pak, court orders probe Over a month after a Muslim landlord allegedly paraded three Christian women naked in Pakistan's Punjab province, a court here has finally taken notice of the matter and directed a judge to...
  2. rashtriya.rifles

    Mother stabs 8-month-old baby 90 times because he bit her !!

    Mother stabs 8-month-old baby 90 times because he bit her while breastfeeding in China An eight-month-old was lucky to survive after being stabbed 90 times by his mother on the face for biting her while she was breastfeeding him. The incident was reported from Xuzhou, eastern China's...
  3. rashtriya.rifles

    IAF sets a world record with Uttarakhand rescue that saved 20,000 civilians

    Some facts : Hurricane Katrina stuck the states of Florida and Lousiana. City Height above Sea Level New Orleans -6.5 to 20 ft Florida Highest point Britton Hill 345 ft (105 m) - Mean 100 ft (30 m) Now lets consider uttarakhand disaster : Kedarnath ...
  4. rashtriya.rifles

    Pakistanis are pathological liars - Richard Clarke

    pakistanis are such pathological liars that they don't even know when they are lying !!! Why Pakistan Hates India | (Real Truth) - YouTube Thank You come again :D
  5. rashtriya.rifles

    Pashtun-baloch tensions

    balochs should be independent !
  6. rashtriya.rifles

    Pak's Punjab govt allocates over Rs 61 mn for JuD

    expecting more bomb blasts during funerals :woot:
  7. rashtriya.rifles

    India Places Its Asian Bet on Japan: Roiling the Waters of the Asia-Pacific

    by voting against us in NSG china gonna burn it's fingers now :woot:
  8. rashtriya.rifles

    100 houses collapse; 11 dead, over 50 missing as rain batters Uttarakhand

    dammit !! Humans can never counter mother nature ! RIP to those who died !
  9. rashtriya.rifles

    BrahMos can't be intercepted in next 20 years

    U guys have S400 SAMs ? Cool .. we have the force of superman with us :woot:
  10. rashtriya.rifles

    BrahMos can't be intercepted in next 20 years

    Do u understand the meaning of quote buddy ? All I am curious is the exact sentence which pillai has said rather than what the journalist thought to have understood clearly !
  11. rashtriya.rifles

    BrahMos can't be intercepted in next 20 years

    the news article didn't quote him as saying 20 years blah blah.. ! Or I am missing something ?
  12. rashtriya.rifles

    Nitish congratulated Modi after 2002

    NAMO for PM :woot:
  13. rashtriya.rifles

    Congratulations to the Iranians.

    I agree about the stability during elections part but he rubber stamps each and every decision taken by the parliament ! They guardian council headed by khomeni looks after most important things like Media/Mass communication to justice dept to foreign policy to other aspects which are the core...
  14. rashtriya.rifles

    Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

    Heh, so you are ruling out any malafide intent when it comes to CBI hounding MODI like anything ?
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