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  1. P

    Russian Navy

    The Russian Navy need to do something about Admiral Gorskhov and Grigorovich build-up. It has taken waaaaaay too long; delays after delays. I am happy though that almost four Steregushchy corvettes are ready, but they too have taken way too long to build.
  2. P

    Don’t Sweat Russia’s Newest Nuclear Submarine - 'Severodvinsk' is too expensive for mass production

    It's not that important how big the budget is. What is important is how much is left for aquiring new things. For example, the U.S. defense budget is around 500 billion, excluding overseas occupation "operations". However 90 billion is set for bying new military plattforms and 60 billion is set...
  3. P

    25th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square

    Not to mention former Soviet Union, former Yugoslavia. All chaos because of "democrazy". Democrazy is a weapon used to divide countries the U.S. does not like. It's kind of funny when a country with two political parties which are almost copies of each other are going to tell China what China...
  4. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    No, you don't have 63 units of F-16 Block-52, you have 18. Stop dreaming ! The rest are Block 15 that need uprade, a very expencive one if I might add, which Pakistan cannot afford. Then you have as I mentioned, mixure of Block 1 and 2 JF-17, around 50 units. So that's about 67-68 fighters...
  5. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    That is not entirely true. Actually, not true at all. The only place Pakistan is ahead of Algeria, are missiles. Everything else, Algeria has a lead actually. Yes, Algerian budget is higher than Pakistan budget, which basically means that much of it goes towards maintenance, readiness, higher...
  6. P

    China warns India: ‘Don’t provoke us’

    What's the point in this trolling? Concentrate on the two terrorist states in Tokyo and Washington D.C. Chill down, and ignore others trolling, and stop trolling yourself.
  7. P

    China warns India: ‘Don’t provoke us’

    This is pretty much, a useless "warning". The same as the one where someone in India was fantasizing about a two-front war against India. Seems like there is some paranoia on both sides, yet there is no need to be. Both have been good neighbours, and 1962 incident shouldn't play any major role...
  8. P

    China unveils latest H6-K bomber prototype.

    Same back to you, hundreds of fighters and at least 100 upgraded H-6 bombers + 34 SSK + 5-6 SSN + about 20 frigates + 14-15 destroyers, since all Chinese assets are at only one coast and not spread throughout the world + all the missiles. We are on a roll here, :D You got almost empty of...
  9. P

    China unveils latest H6-K bomber prototype.

    First of all, any Tomahawk striking the mainland, means you get your behind nuked. Attacking your terrorist forces right ahead of our nose in Diayou and Okinawa is perfectly acceptable in a case of war. The U.S. attacking the mainland while we haven't attacked Hawaii, U.S. or Alaska means we...
  10. P

    India not willing to play by the rules: US lawmakers

    I fully support India on this one. This should be one of the reminders that USA doesn't like it when a country has a spine. They would only look at you as an "ally", if you bow down on your knees. Not many years ago, the U.S. was sanctioning India. Back in 1971, Nixon wanted to nuke India...
  11. P

    Russia is now offering Antei-2500 to Iran as a replacement for S-300PMU1

    I find it hard to believe that PMU-1 version is better. PMU-2 version is better though, but PMU-1 is starting to get old. It will defnitely be old within a few years time. Therefore when you look at the medium-long prospects, PMU-1 is only good until Israel gets their F-35. From what I could...
  12. P

    China unveils latest H6-K bomber prototype.

    We don't have a stealth bomber ready yet, most likely not until 2020 or so, even if we reveal a model in 2014 or 2015. So we need as many upgraded H-6 as possible, no matter how old they are. At least our H-6 are: 1) Many are pgraded, but we need more 2) They fly 3) They don't fall down from...
  13. P

    China All Su-35 news

    A lot of useless comments from you, as always. Key points once again, to prove against your c-r-a-p spewing: 1) No match for Gorskhov ? Lol. Funny boy at it again, along with 3 Kirov cruisers. I LIKE how you started to "use" Kirovs in the discussion, that says A LOT, and I am laughing because...
  14. P

    China All Su-35 news

    1) Chinese tech in ships IS superior OR better if you will to Gorskhov and your Stera-whatever class frigate. This is a fact, and PLAN is definitely NOT scared of any 1800 ton corvette nor is it scared of your 4000-4500 ton frigate which you will have 1 by 2014 or 2 by 2015 or now according to...
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