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Mangus Ortus Novem

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  • I still have yet to read a lot and do research on this subject but it seems to me that 'climate change' is a gigantic financial scheme to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich as well as to stifle the growth of developing countries. Fingers crossed China doesn't fall into the trap of wasting billions in 'reducing cardon dioxide emissions'.
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    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    In order to understand anything, first we need to understand its fundamental nature. Truth has always been a rare commodity. If you wish look into SDR first. Rest is just illusions. Science is the new religion. Religion is the opium of the masses. What is a human?
    Science has evolved into a religion indeed, especially when you consider that 'climate change' is based on dubious computer simulations and the flawed concept of 'greenhouse gases'.
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    AS we are entering an end of the Cycle we see fundamentalism in every shape and form all over the planet. Once again...if I may ask, what is a humnan? Herein lies the answer to many a question. Life itself is far more deeper in meaning than what we are conditioned to believe. Nothing is black and white. A few rule and all of us are ruled. What is a human?
    Instead of corporate media, I'd personally keep a close eye on the Identitarian movement, parties such as AFD, National Front etc. and self-proclaimed European 'patriots' on social media.
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    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Well, my friend, Circle always completes itself! Where did the wealth of the West came from? Should we forget Opium Trade? Planned collapse is real. This the biggest transfer of wealth from people to the Elite. Rest is controlled opposition!
    Good point. The planned collapse of the West is the reason why Russia, China, Iran, Syria and all other truly sovereign nations should look to insulate, not integrate their economies into the Western financial system. Nikolai Alexander warned his viewers of said collapse also.
    I apologise for taking a dig at you the other day on the Pakistan safe haven for terrorists thread. That was just a troll thread and I shouldn't have responded to that thread in the first place.
    Honoured to have you here brother..
    @Mentee. It's Ali Khan Marri hence AKM ;)

    Family calls me Sher Khan. (That was the name my family choose when I was born but didn't give me because I was a very weak & premature child and people didn't hope that I would survive).. And today I'm a 6ft tall & 80kg ..lol
    Honestly speaking Mari was the missing link for me! I took that m for a magsi lol so Ali Bhai it seems you've always had a date with destiny, first you survived being a premature baby and then that car accident :P stay blessed bro or AP itna emotional na hoa kro
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Dear Sher Khan, I am honoured to be in the house of my brother, although virtual-PDF. After reading your story I am even more positive about the Pak peoples. You can never be common or ordinary. It is in your DNA. Are you Baloch? Love Pak Baloch lands and people.

    All the best in your life. Be the Best of yourself. Bless you!
    Hi Sir, coming directly to the point. this buttering needs to be end, its further spoiling my countrymen. Time has come for you to be ruthless in your approach, hammer them so they could come to their senses just like sir mastan khan, God bless you:)
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    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    I understand your feeling, my brother. What is missing is positivity and inspiration. Your people have suffered enough...time for good news, positivity and great hope is here. We must all play our role. Mine is telling the Positive Truth. Bless you!
    Sir don't listen to the broken records for an insight vis a vis P.A.F , they all serve us with sob stories and other bureaucratic bla bla ----- sir mastan khan is the right man from whom you can get a profound and holistic assessment on Pak military 's defence strategy and the loop holes which we are facing----- God Bless you :)
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    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    My friend, dear brother, I just want to educate myself about your great country in all aspects. It is none of my business neither I have the right to criticise Pak. Bless you all and wish to see enormous growth through CPEC!
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