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Recent content by Madmen

  1. M

    The Holocaust Lie.

    Any one who is a revisionist to history of the Jewish holocaust will never be accepted as a legit source in your view. However people should be free to make up there own minds and not be persecuted or criminalised if they choose not to accept the official narrative.
  2. M

    The Holocaust Lie.

    For those interested on a different view on the Jewish holocaust I suggest you look up Ernst zundel.
  3. M

    US nuclear strike on Pakistan....preparing the minds ! must watch this and

    I have seen the trailer and it's pretty clear to me that it shows the USA giving the command to a nuclear sub to launch an attack on Pakistan. Though the sub commander does refuse. However they still attack Pakistan after an unsuccessful false flag event blamed on Pakistan
  4. M

    Man grows 1,360-acre forest in India...by himself

    Amazing what a great achievement god bless and reward him for his efforts
  5. M

    Three giant spaceships to attack Earth in 2012?

    Slightly off topic but check out the new US tv Drama Last Resort it shows a nuclear strike on Pakistan by the USA
  6. M

    Psychologists Explain 911 Denial

    Nine Years' Hard Scientific Evidence Disproving Government's 9/11 Theory And People Are Still Either Completely Oblivious To It Or In Denial! (Same Thing...) Psychologists Explain 911 Denial - YouTube
  7. M

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Hey buddy this isn't a hate forum for that goto godlikeproduction.com the ppl over there will be more to your liking.
  8. M

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    As long as oil is bought and sold in dollars the USD is going no where just my opinion
  9. M

    Moral decline of Thailand -Thai "ladyboy" flight attendants take to the ski

    I have to agree^^^ everyone has a right to live and work at least these people are trying to be productive members of their society instead of blowing ppl up.
  10. M

    China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

    PLEASE don't post stupid articles. Had you done any research you would have easily found out that this story is by Sorcha faal Whatdoesitmean.com which is well known for bogus news stories.
  11. M

    USA's public debt grows to war level

    This may be true but it will not happen anytime soon. Unfortunately the dollar is still considered a safe haven compared with the other major currencies i.e. euro, yen, yuan. So they will keep on printing dollars
  12. M

    Maryam Nawaz : The next Benazir Bhutto

    These politicians have no shame for the sake of their Kursi they would pimp out thier mothers and daughters. Although I must say she does look hot.
  13. M

    Iran shows film of captured US drone

    It looks fake to me but I am no expert
  14. M

    26/11 Mumbai = 6/12 Kabul?

    My guess would be no.
  15. M

    Pakistan's Long Reach felt in Afghanistan.

    You must be joking right ! I must say that is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard.
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