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Recent content by Luca1

  1. Luca1

    China says no to Moscow, Beijing, Delhi trilateral defence ties

    Any two countries can be G-2 by themselves.
  2. Luca1

    On goodwill visit to S Korea, 2 Indian Navy men grope woman

    Indian justice system care more about the rights of the criminals than justice for the victims. Pervs never change any where.
  3. Luca1

    Well done India !

    Well, brain drain is certainly an issue for India. The best and the brightest mostly left India.
  4. Luca1

    Well done India !

    Most honorable and smart Indians had left India. Few of them stay behind. It's a no brainier.
  5. Luca1

    Parrikar - FGFA and MRTA in trouble

    If things turn south with the PAKFA deal, than India has the option of waiting in line for F-35. Otherwise, you can get the Chinese stealth fighter as these are only options for you. LOL.
  6. Luca1

    Historical Fiction: China’s South China Sea Claims

    This info is a couple of years old. But it explain Indian obsession quite well. India's China obsession The People’s Daily, the Chinese Communist Party’s house organ, had only 24 articles mentioning India on its English-language Web site in the first seven months of this year, according to the...
  7. Luca1

    Parrikar - FGFA and MRTA in trouble

    Its clear that India is not capable of creating a transport even at the class of C-130. Forget about the global master type of plane. What India can do is ask for US, Boeing, to Subcontract the global master assembly line to HAL. India can wait in line for F-35.... It can have a fifth...
  8. Luca1

    Historical Fiction: China’s South China Sea Claims

    If Chinrse media report it, than where is it?
  9. Luca1

    Parrikar - FGFA and MRTA in trouble

    Why don't you respond to the facts he made instead of attacking the person making the post. So do you agree with him but dislike that fact?
  10. Luca1

    Historical Fiction: China’s South China Sea Claims

    Won't their own media report it. This shows how much Indians are obsess with China... If Chinese government express any opinion on India, their media won't even report it as it's not news worthy to them. Indian media is just China obsessed.
  11. Luca1

    South China Sea Forum

    I agree that Obama is really screwing everything up. All these hope and change are real disasters.
  12. Luca1

    Historical Fiction: China’s South China Sea Claims

    If it's news about China's view of India, than why is this reported only in Indian media?
  13. Luca1

    Pakistani Pilot Will Fly With J-31

    I agree, if this is true, it would be all over the news.
  14. Luca1

    Historical Fiction: China’s South China Sea Claims

    Nope. It's well known that Indians, especially the ones in the west, really hate China. As China has more attention from the west, Indians here are just jealous of the attention China is receiving... In fact, the west is starting to see China as an emergent threat. Indians are waving their...
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