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Lockheed F-16

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  • I am O.K bro though it's Turkish flag however also sign of Islam just like Pakistan Flag..
    I am not going to post anything that goes against India or its people. I noticed, mods and amins become offended if anyone does so. I am scared, I will get banned if I continue posting that way. So I will rather post entertainment items from India. I think, mods and admins will be happy with that. Otherwise, I am just a silent spectator. Stay silent, watch and enjoy...
    Naja, es ist ein ungewöhnliches Forum um sich als Deutscher darin rumzutreiben, so meinte ich das ;) Bin 22 und wohne in Rheinland-Pflalz. Was machst du so und wo kommst du her?
    Hallo, hab mich schon gefragt ob es hier noch mehr Deutsche gibt. Ist ja schon ein sehr ungewöhnliches Forum.

    Was meinst du mit mehr erfahren, was interessiert dich denn? Ich bin Student, Politik und Englisch und interessiere mich auch sehr für Religion, aus der Außenperspektive sozusagen ;). Ansonsten keine Ahnung ich diskutiere halt gerne, offensichtlich :>.
    Yes. And we must be very pragmatic in this matter. Zionism, this ideology has gathered much physical forces and now we need to gather equal physical forces to counter or at least to create a balance, otherwise we will be wiped out by their aggression. We need to have a physical force apart from our idealistic stance.
    Yes that is what we are supposed to do now for our coming generation. It is our responsibility, our duty. That is why I propose the building up of a bridge between Islam and Communism. Zionism is a common enemy to both sections. We can use internet, media and academic spheres to fight against Zionism. We must pave the way for rapid Islamization. It is an ideological warfare. Zionist forces are at work. Israeli Zionists are already working with the Hindu Zionists. The counter can be through Islamization. I think, such forums as PDF should have that vision and mission.
    Thank you Lock for your kind support and encouragement. People must try to build up a bridge between the two isolated sections so that our next generation can build up the civilization and resist the Zionist forces together with collaboration. Ideologues are necessary for any mission.
    Yes, I firmly believe, it will. Islam as a political ideology has many common aspects that we find in Communism. Let us just consider the basics, Islam and Communism both preach equality and unity. Moreover, Communism and individualism are two opposite extremes, and in the middle of these two extremes lies Islam. The ideal Islamic state is the perfect balance between totalitarianism and anarchy. I am studying this topic at present.
    My thanks to Webby then for giving me my friend back. I as a communist has learnt the conclusion of communism from Islam. To me, if communism is a body, Islam is its soul. And without soul, a body is a dead-body. In this connection, I am thankful to Zaid Hamid who helped me in concluding the theoretical contradictions which had once created a dilemma in my mind. But Political Islam has finally helped me arriving at the conclusion. To me, political Islam is the basis of a civilization.

    Thank you Lock.
    WOOOOOOO... I am surprised and very happy... :-)
    Welcome back... I thank the admins and mods for this justified decision...
    InshAllah, you shall never be banned any more.
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