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  • Thanks for the prayers and wishes..

    I strongly believe there are few things which you choose to do in life and there are few which fate chooses for you and this is one of those decision in which I feel i'm just floating in a river which is moving and deciding the direction where I would go without my consent. The moment I received visa clearance, I decided not go and return Pakistan after making a short trip to Australia but within the same week the job which I was doing in Pakistan ended dramatically. General ecnomic situation in the country is poor and its hard to find a respectable job within my little town Sialkot.

    From Kangfu Panda I learned there are no accidents in life.. so I feel its been planned by Him and I should walk along the new road which is being laid down for me.

    I am good.. how are you doing.

    Ya everything is going okay here.. just been busy with shopping and managing resources. I am relocating and migrating to Australia in 3 weeks time so busy packing and planning for the big change.
    Thanks pal.

    Yes, i have the rights for these pics...i don't mind people posting them anywhere they want:D
    freekin's post is reported, I am sure moderators will fix him.
    Nobody should lookdown upon and make fun of father of a nation. It just brings bad name to Pakistan and Pakistanis all over the world.
    Walaikum Salam,

    If I delete then there wouldn't be any information of it left and then someone might open a new thread based on this.

    Its just for informations sake and that we have debunked it.

    I will merge the two if I can find them.
    Hey brother thx for the info will check it out hope you are well ..

    checked it , leader has done a good job i think will be a good idea to do a new thread specifying the location further or should we divide them provincial level or the HOT ZONES !!
    Haha, you are funny regarding TOT/WOT.

    yaar, that was semi final cricket we were defeated, I wasn't impressed and disappointed at the same time drones attacking us-Pakistan govt didn't do anything. Let's move on. Take care! ;)

    Thank you for links!
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