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  • As a Hindu, my name is going to be quite similar to most of you Indians would have. I am partly of Indian ethnicity. My father has Indian origins, but I am also an Iranian from mother's side. Of course, I don't know Persian much, and have been to Iran when I didn't know the difference between two countries.

    My wife is Indian though. She belongs to the Kashmiri Pandit community of your northern province, which technically makes my children "three-quarters Indian" racially.

    By national loyalty, I am as much an Indian as you would be a Brazilian. :). Switzerland is my home, my abode and my soul. India only has a spiritual link to me just as Muslims are linked to Saudi Arabia or worldwide Jews to Jerusalem.

    Hope that clears your doubts
    i have got no clue man. im completely off touch due to my exams. ask some other mod.
    sorry for not being very helpful.
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    Suspension is for short time, 3-15 days, while banning is more then that, upto a month or even more, but it depends on the severity of violation.

    Once a member is suspended and he creates another ID, he will get a perm ban, someone continuously uses trolls, will first get suspensions, but if continues, will get a ban.

    But anyone continuously doing derogatory, abusive remarks about religion, country or any member, will get a ban, and in most cases a perm one.

    We do give chances and remove bans even many times before the time of ban is up, the ban is lifted, but those who come with a mind set to bash abuse religion or a country, are out perm even the first time.

    You replied to a troll, and your last two lines in your reply were troll themselves.

    So you can post again your POV, without bringing in the last two lines.
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