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  1. Jung

    Beautiful North East India

    Guwahati - Shillong road
  2. Jung

    Beautiful North East India

    Kaziranga university , jorhat redison blue guwahati
  3. Jung

    Beautiful North East India

  4. Jung

    Pakistani mega hit film ‘'Waar'’ | Reviews & Discussions.

    99.9% of the indians don't have any clue about this movie called WAAR because we don't watch pakistani movies where as more than 90% of pakistani's watch indian movies so we don't give a shit about this movie....Pakistani's should thank indian media for free publicity LOL.... Its good that...
  5. Jung


    Bangladeshi's can keep on having their wet dreams nothings gonna happen....i feel pity looking down at them whenever i visit Cherapunjee
  6. Jung

    China J15 Landing & Flying on Aircraft Carrier photo released, more coming

    stop posting fake pictures thats a russian su33
  7. Jung

    China J15 Landing & Flying on Aircraft Carrier photo released, more coming

    Chinese should stop fooling around with fake photos unless they can can proof it, they are making themselves look dumb...don't take me wrongly its an advice.
  8. Jung

    Impossible to sell “India story,” says Infosys chief

    its time u come out from the well,,,india's poor 32.7% international poverty line & 37.2% national poverty line... According to a new poverty Development Goals Report, as many as 320 million people in India and China are expected to come out of extreme poverty in the next four years, while...
  9. Jung

    Impossible to sell “India story,” says Infosys chief

    lol are u joking???? Now don't show up those M2 M1 motorways...and about food,jobs and basic necesities....india has huge population but is steadily moving ahead...u should read about worlds largest free meal,employment guaranteed scheme,free education,free housing,slum rehabilation etc
  10. Jung

    Impossible to sell “India story,” says Infosys chief

    pakistani's are better in Licking their chinese masters legs..
  11. Jung

    Impossible to sell “India story,” says Infosys chief

    lol... pakistanis are so obsesed with india that they are ready to jump with happiness at anything negative news against india forgetting to look at worst things happening at their own backyard....India has lots of problems but she is 100 times better than pakistan,india will keep on...
  12. Jung

    India's Debt increases over 50% in 3 years

    Glad to see.... chinese becoming more obsesed with India...
  13. Jung

    Google Pakistan earns $500 million in revenue

    Tnx to XXX websites...
  14. Jung

    Suicide rate among young Indians 'much higher than west'

    what have u written????
  15. Jung

    Pakistan 'in' South Asia

    Pakistan ‘in’ South Asia By Yaqoob Khan Bangash Published: September 10, 2012 The writer is chairperson of the History Department at Forman Christian College Lahore When I started research on my doctorate on the accession and integration of several princely states into Pakistan, my...
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