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Recent content by jk007

  1. J

    Boeing's F-15EX Eagle-II fighter may join race for Indian Air Force contract

    India is buying few more su-30s. So, your understanding is clearly incorrect.
  2. J

    PM Narendra Modi is the world’s most popular leader, approval ratings highest among 13 global leaders: Details

    Irony is - many pakistanis respect him.....maybe, deepdown you respect him too......but your helplessness (of seeing your leadership not able to do anything that they previously got away doing) is making you hate him. Is that a possibility?
  3. J

    PM Narendra Modi is the world’s most popular leader, approval ratings highest among 13 global leaders: Details

    Some of your posts are very good. Hence, responding to you: About Communism: a) I read a lot about communism and what it did to man-kind.......so, I will never ever be anywhere being called a leftist / communist. b) Media has white-washed the crimes of communists. The crimes of communists are...
  4. J

    Boeing's F-15EX Eagle-II fighter may join race for Indian Air Force contract

    Nope, India is making credible progress in indigenous aircraft development.....we are (maybe) 10+ years behind china on aeronautics. But it is progressing. Aside: Just think - how many countries in the world developed COVID vaccines? India has developed multiple vaccines on almost same timeline...
  5. J

    PM Narendra Modi is the world’s most popular leader, approval ratings highest among 13 global leaders: Details

    Please don't trivialize Modi's achievements to simple factors................having such high approval ratings after 7+ years of being in chair is phenomenol......if he was a left-liberal, the media would have accorded him status equal to greatest. But since he is a conservative, media tries...
  6. J

    Boeing's F-15EX Eagle-II fighter may join race for Indian Air Force contract

    Being Indian myself, I am so tired about this aircraft purchase saga..........decades of this saga going on with no end in sight...... PS: I think India is focussing on indigenous efforts...
  7. J

    The Game is in the final over what are the possible political outcomes

    Please elaborate what this means. We don't understand these words that are (maybe) normal to you folks.
  8. J

    The Game is in the final over what are the possible political outcomes

    I think Pak constitution no longer allows anyone to become "Chief Martial Law Administrator"?? Am I correct? Anyway, this no-confidence vote is not good, specifically when IK does not have very long time before elections [my 0.0000000000000000000000000000002 cents]. BTW - why is PML-N...
  9. J

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Sir - Your post is disgusting (nuclear nonsense). I am not a policy maker in Indian system. So, it does not matter if I know / do not know what Pakistan does or does not do. Despite all the confidence in your writing about what Pakistan does or does not, I am sure you know that you are not a...
  10. J

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    What are you implying when you say "what about me"?
  11. J

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    You wrote such a long post.....and not one of the people who responded to your post (till now) have either read or tried to understand it. Pakistanis simply do not have the context to understand about India. or maybe, PDF pakistanis?? Actually - it is not a fault of those individuals. They...
  12. J

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Per my understanding, India wanted to keep the territory that it won in 1965, and was willing to let Pak keep the territory that it had won (with *maybe* some adjustments). However, Shastri went to Tashkent and was put under pressure by USSR [they wanted to play a honest broker - so much for...
  13. J

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    First - kudos to your posts in this thread. They are veritable knowledge cornucopia. My question: Do you think there is any way India could have held back Haji Pir Pass? [I know that ,before boarding the flight to Tashkent, Sastri said that he will not give away Haji pir pass, but he gave it...
  14. J

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Which country (leadership) is bigger fool? A country which "miscalculates" an incoming cruise missile (in a peacetime) as a nuclear and immediately responds?? Or the Country which made a mistake and accepted it? You, pakistanis, are bought up in an environment where the only things that give...
  15. J

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Are you in your senses?? You want Pak to launch nuclear assault on India?? Maybe, you read too much about Gulam Ishaq khan and his stupidity?? Just check what you are reading / watching, that will help. Launching nuclear weapons is no joke. Aside - After reading all such responses from such...
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