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Jason bourne

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  • Thanks, got the message there. It will take me a few days to be active as a mod, as I have to familiarise myself with the page. And I haven't moderated on FB before.
    Please send me the link to the page. Also, can I remain anonymous there, or do I have to use my real name etc?
    i will try next month.

    BTW i am not member of any Indian forums because I like the pakistanis and 'discuss' with them. if they are not there I FEEL TASTELESS. lol I THINK YOU GOT IT... :)
    bro, you are one of my favorite members on PDF but sorry I cannot join any facebook community like that. i need some privacy for my job and other things as well. my work.....
    Sorry for late reply. Speed remain same if it is a ballistic missile for same range. Speed should increase if it is a cruise missile. :D

    RLV-TD details tomorrow.
    I'm extremely SORRY dude,too busy with my studies,don't even have time to dye.I'll be free from mid Jan and will gladly join your facebook page then.
    REGARDS. . . . . . . . . . . .
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