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  1. Indian wonk

    Rupee crash, Covid-19 to make India Inc's overseas debt repayments costlier

    The central bank has been incessantly buying dollars, soaking up whatever foreign inflow entered Indian shores. It has swallowed $15.5 billion from the spot forex market between July and November, and currency dealers believe it hasn’t stopped yet. Another reason for RBI to keep a grip on the...
  2. Indian wonk

    Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

    India already has 450 million involved in farming related activities , most of these soldiers are from farming background and will return to that after retirement. Even if we reduce soldiers the military budget will be untouched , It is only 1.8% of the GDP which will probably not reduce but...
  3. Indian wonk

    Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

    Love you call that a pogrom !! That is just idiot Hindus and Muslims fighting in few localities . If that would have been a pogrom then we could have wiped out the population but we are civilized we don't do that.
  4. Indian wonk

    Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

    U.S. Report Finds Widespread Forced Uighur Labor in China https://time.com/5801406/forced-uighur-labor-china/ China Uighurs 'moved into factory forced labour' for foreign brands
  5. Indian wonk

    Rupee crash, Covid-19 to make India Inc's overseas debt repayments costlier

    Nope , try again Nope , try again . Try Macro economics 101
  6. Indian wonk

    Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

    They want religious freedom , not just empty development. You suppressed them and their religion Islam .
  7. Indian wonk

    Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

    OK , since Indian Army is incompetent you militarily defeat India and take Kashmir back , we promise we wont use nuclear weapons , try it please.
  8. Indian wonk

    Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

    Military cannot be seen as causing the problems which you mentioned. In-case you forgot military also provides employment to 1.2 million men who mostly come from rural areas the general soldiers not including the Officer class . These soldiers are mostly from single income households so nearly...
  9. Indian wonk

    India successfully tests anti satellite weapon. Low earth orbit satellite destroyed.

    We have the capabilities for tracking a Satellite for far higher apogee don't worry about that , you worry about India able to shoot down a missile at 300 kms in its pre-terminal phase of the missile.
  10. Indian wonk

    India successfully tests anti satellite weapon. Low earth orbit satellite destroyed.

    Remember people if it can shoot down a satellite it can shoot down an ICBM . Today's technology you can blind a satellite through lasers this ASAT test is actually an anti ICBM test . Big worry for our enemies .
  11. Indian wonk

    India, Russia to sign S-400 missile deal this week: Kremlin

    Know the system inside out are you high ?? . China choose this system because it is better than anything they have got currently. This is not a fighter aircraft you don't know the system inside out . S-400 will put a lot of constraints on enemy aircrafts and missiles on Indian airspace. You...
  12. Indian wonk

    T-14 Armata in the Spotlight as Indian Army Chief Visits Russia

    Russian marketing gimmicks .India has 2500 T-72s which needs to be replaced by 2028 -2030 time frame . So we are in no hurry. DRDO is already working on reducing the weight of Arjun Mk-2 by using HNS ( High nitrogen steel ) lets see in 4 to 5 years .
  13. Indian wonk

    India, Russia to sign S-400 missile deal this week: Kremlin

    India’s CCS clears procurement of five S-400 air-defence missile systems India's Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) 'quietly' cleared on 26 September the procurement of five Almaz-Antei S-400 Triumf self-propelled surface-to-air (SAM) missile systems for the Indian Air Force (IAF) for USD5.5...
  14. Indian wonk

    Upgraded Pinaka rocket successfully test-fired

    Currently India has no policy for deploying Tactical/battlefield nukes .
  15. Indian wonk

    Russian Spetznaz in Chechnya in 1995 [photos]

    I doubt any country would have dared help the Chechen rebels like US and Pakistan helped the mujahedin in Afghanistan as both cases are different.
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