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  • thankyour for your views. But isn't FIU a part of MI? I considered them to be a division of MI but you are giving impression that it is an separate entity?
    For every civilian government, the appointment of the IB chief is an extremely important politically as the prime minister has only this spy agency under his direct control.

    Officials say chief executives mostly get authentic and reliable reports from the IB and don’t trust much on the information provided by the military run spy agencies. At the same time, the IB also efficiently carries out the assignments given to it by the president and prime minister, they say.

    Your views on this?
    The reason for my interest is because this point often comes up in debates and having searched this book for long , I would like to base my arguments on facts.
    Again thanks to your labors for my sake . Hoping this didn't inconvenience you much .
    best regards,
    Urbanized Greyhound
    Thank you for taking the time to provide this information , sir. If it's not too presumptous of me , may I make a further request ? you mentioned that you have a large library. I was wondering if you had a book -- The continent of Circe by Nirad C Chaudhuri. Its a collection of essays about the various races of the subcontinent, a detailed analysis of the history of people who today may range from Sikh to Muslim to Hindu etc. It supposedly debunks the idea that Hindus (Vedic/later ages) were a non-violent race who were exposed to atrocities by Islamic invaders from Arab lands and central Asia. It proposes with due historical evidence that" Lust for violence flows thick in Hindus' veins and can be incited at a slightest of provocation. and is a
    Must read for anyone who is keenly interested in understanding the complex matrix of society that exists in India and its sub components." ---as per the book epithet .
    Hi , regarding the Attrocities by Sikhs against their Muslim subjects topic --in the thread about "Insensitive remarks about Hindus" , could you point out a few online sources / book extracts which detail the happenings during those times . I would be much grateful for you help in increasing my knowledge about these events . Thanks in advance ,
    regards ,
    Urbanized Greyhound
    hello, in present times of despair, we need to project every little positive about our armed forces. this will surely help improving he image of military in eyes of national and international community.

    these day, the military is busy in helping the flood effected people in Sindh. i have started a thread to cover the event. it will be really nice if you can take out some time and visit:


    a bit of your appreciation and contribution regarding this event is required.

    thanks in advance!
    Thanks sir... not the whole marri tribe is fighting PA... Most of harbeghiarats supporters r his own goons... criminals,etc some who believe tht Punjab is trying to dominate them etc... but the majority of them r the guys being paid to do the dirty job... what else would they do? they r not educated,no skilled nothin... but a bunch of stone age people...

    I personally never met Lt Jahangir but ive heard alot of him.. the people r proud of him.... People have named their boys after the great son of the nation.

    Again.. GoP needs to give our people jobs,development,healthcare n education for the sake of a better future.
    well the bugtis r becoming insan k bachay... even pahari bugti is riddin in a OGDC vigo pick up these days.. the locals have understood tht only development will bring happiness ....... the areas bordering sindh n punjab r all calm as usual... even turbat n panjgor.... n army selection centers r jam packed.... it has been relatively calm in quetta.. though the bla dogs r still there but violence has decreased alot.... but the locals still have issues with GoP... Nothing big to worry abt..
    Should work as it does here. Also I'm working on getting your Mil Pro tag, should have it by today or tomorrow.
    Thanks for joining, we're working on building up content (bear with us)and some of us are going to start translating defence news from Chinese to English, especially forum posts and the like from insiders working at CAC and SAC.
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